Olympic gymnastics as squirrels ๐Ÿฟ

Olympic gymnasts stun the world with their performances on the uneven bars. Fortunately they donโ€™t have to compete with squirrels. Suppose instead of the uneven bars, human gymnasts had to fly through the canopies of trees, leaping gaps of varying distances, from branches of varying thicknesses, some stiff, some springy.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Not everybody born with abilities as squirrels did. For such dexterity we will need to go to the gym. Training is not the difficult part, but to be constant on it. To return the next day, with the same enthusiasm. Thanks to God, we have a next day to do exercise or to be free. Not everybody have a next day. And for sure, one day we won’t have it, ourselves. Are we prepared?


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