Paz entre torbellinos

¿Como se puede lograr la inexplicable paz de Medjugorje?

La paz nos la consiguió Dios y se nos presenta de tantas maneras:

  • al recibir lo que necesitábamos
  • al descansar de un prolongado esfuerzo
  • o al adentrarnos en el ojo de un huracán de problemas: desconocemos las inacabables maneras en que Dios nos brinda paz, porque nuestros pequeños conocimientos son limitados.

Lo más importante es entregarse a Dios por completo (según menciona nuestra doctora de la iglesia, Teresita).

Si uno se entrega a Dios, renunciando de corazón al control de los asuntos, abandonándolos sin preocuparnos más por ellos, se llega a un entorno paz.

Mas para lograr esto es necesario resignarse de corazón, logro que requiere tiempo y condiciones poco conocidas.

Generalmente beneficiando a otros, compartiendo lo de uno con quienes no nos pueden retribuir, y sobretodo cuando cuesta trabajo hacerlo, se siente una gran paz.

Muchas veces entre más de nuestro ser olvidamos, mayormente permitimos que la bondad de Dios penetre y se sientan estos frutos como compensación.

El amor, Dios

La abundancia de Dios es ejemplar. Uno quisiera ser así y tener de sobra: espacios, superficie, materia prima, animales, inteligencias, vision, conocimientos, omnipresencia. Esto lo podemos apreciar en la gran diversidad del cosmos, desde cada ecosistema, donde cada uno es un universo en sí.

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A imagen y semejanza creo Dios al hombre, siendo este cabeza del mundo, con inteligencia para administrarlo y libertad. Una característica que diferencia a un hombre de otro son sus decisiones, que nos pueden encaminar en forma divergente, apartándonos incluso de quienes comparten el mismo objetivo. Los diferentes carismas, ejemplo de la diversidad de Dios, permiten que haya quienes se apartan para buscarlo en la contemplación, mientras otros lo hacen sin apartarse, en hospitales, en casas de asistencia o en el entorno común. A imagen y semejanza creo Dios al hombre, siendo este cabeza del planeta, con inteligencia para administrarlo y libertad. Una característica que diferencia a un hombre de otro son sus decisiones, que nos pueden encaminar en forma divergente, apartándonos incluso de quienes comparten el mismo objetivo. Los diferentes caminos, carismas, por ejemplo los carismas muestra de la diversidad de Dios, permiten que haya quienes se aparten para buscarlo en la contemplación, mientras otros lo hacen sin apartarse, en hospitales, en casas de asistencia o en el entorno común.

Ser católico es primeramente esta decision, tomada en libertad. Comenzando con el deseo de ser bueno, que puede ser visto como “un llamado”, en términos coloquiales…. Analizándolo con calma podemos ver que incluso quienes son catalogados de buenos llevan intenciones detrás: oran por favores personales, van a misa para que la gente los vea, o simplemente para sentirse cómodos consigo mismo. Así somos los humanos y no está del todo mal, somos limitados y así funcionamos, necesitamos razones para hacer las cosas, incluso para orar. Además siempre hay consecuencias de nuestros actos, e incluso el alma más pura recibe atribución por lo que hace. Dios lo sabe.

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Amar va más allá de dar para recibir, es simplemente dar porque se está enamorado. Dicen que el amor se acaba, pues sí. Pero también es cierto que en los dos milenios desde que vino Cristo, su amor no se ha acabado. Han habido santos, uno tras otro y si no tuvieran una buena razón, los católicos ya se hubieran extinguido, o mutado su forma, como tantas ideologías que vienen y van.

Un acompañante útil

Un acompañante útil -en esto de caminar dentro del ámbito en que fuimos creados- es la misericordia del Señor. La entrega de la que habla Teresita consiste mucho en eso, en confiar en Su misericordia. Al descubrirse incapaz de nada, o casi nada, así como la santa, uno procede al abandono. ¿Qué puede esperarse del padre de familia cuando su hijo confía y se deja guiar? Más hará Dios, nuestro padre, por nosotros…

De todas las cualidades del Padre: Su grandeza, magnanimidad, sabiduría, etc… lo que más oigo hacer incapé en la iglesia, nuestra iglesia, es Su misericordia. El pintor Rembrandt plasmó un su obra maestra “El hijo pródigo”, este momento, cuando el jóven regresa y es perdonado por su padre. Una parábola que habla de esto, es la del ciervo ingrato quien es perdonado por el rey, y luego él no perdona las pequeñas deudas que le deben. Esa parábola está en Mateo 18.

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Aveces no obtendremos los deseos cumplidos al pie de la letra, pudiéndonos enojar al esperar otra respuesta. Esto es entendible. Más Dios no tiene la culpa de que lo busquemos de esta forma, y de hecho, está es la tradicional forma de buscar al Señor. Aunque alguien, por ejemplo un niño se moleste al no cumplírsele un capricho, hay razones que él no ve por su edad: quizá la mascota que desea ocupa demasiado espacio, o el acercaerse a la alberca sin saber nadar puede presentar peligros. En fin, gracias a Dios tuvimos padres o todavía los tenemos, y se agradece todo lo que hicieron por nosotros.

7 Razones por las que la Iglesia está pasando de moda

La iglesia, una institución que ha desempeñado un papel central en la sociedad durante siglos, está experimentando cambios significativos en los últimos tiempos. A medida que la sociedad avanza y se transforma, muchos están cuestionando la relevancia y la importancia de la iglesia en sus vidas. En este post, exploraremos siete razones por las que la iglesia está pasando de moda y cómo estos cambios están afectando a las personas.

  1. Des-conexión con las nuevas generaciones

Uno de los desafíos más grandes que enfrenta la iglesia hoy en día, es su falta de conexión con las nuevas generaciones. Los jóvenes están buscando experiencias significativas y auténticas, y muchas veces no encuentran eso en la iglesia. La liturgia tradicional, el lenguaje arcaico y la falta de relevancia en los mensajes pueden alejar a los jóvenes de participar activamente en la comunidad de la iglesia …leer más.

  1. Escándalos

La iglesia ha sido sacudida por numerosos escándalos de abuso, corrupción y falta de transparencia en los últimos años. Titulares en los diarios han erosionado nuestra confianza en las instituciones religiosas, desepcionando y llevando a muchos a cuestionarse e incluso desistir. La falta de rendición de cuentas y la protección de los perpetradores han dejado una marca indeleble dificil de borrar …leer más.

  1. Nuevos valores

La sociedad está experimentando una evolución en sus creencias y valores, lo que ha llevado a un alejamiento de las enseñanzas tradicionales de la iglesia. Temas como la igualdad de género, los derechos LGBTQ+, el matrimonio igualitario y la diversidad religiosa han provocado tensiones entre las enseñanzas religiosas y las opiniones de muchos fieles. Aquellos que no ven reflejados sus valores en la iglesia, buscan alternativas que se alineen más con su forma de pensar …leer más.

  1. La Espiritualidad Personalizada

Con la aparición de Internet y las redes sociales, las personas ahora tienen acceso a una amplia gama de recursos espirituales y filosóficos que pueden explorar de forma individual. La búsqueda de la verdad y la espiritualidad se ha vuelto más personalizada, y muchos encuentran satisfacción en seguir su propio camino en lugar de adherirse a una institución religiosa…leer más.

  1. Cuestionando los dogmas

La era de la información ha permitido a las personas cuestionar y examinar críticamente las enseñanzas y dogmas religiosos. Muchos ya no aceptan ciegamente lo que se les enseña, sino que buscan evidencias, razonamientos y perspectivas alternativas. La rigidez y la falta de apertura al diálogo en algunas instituciones religiosas dificultan la retención de seguidores …leer más.

  1. Falta de relevancia

La iglesia a menudo se ha quedado rezagada en la discusión de problemas sociales y políticos actuales. Muchas personas buscan una institución que aborde y se involucre activamente en temas como la justicia social, la igualdad de derechos, el medio ambiente y otros asuntos importantes para la sociedad. La falta de compromiso de la iglesia en estas áreas puede llevar a la percepción de que está desconectada de las realidades cotidianas…leer más.

  1. Declive en la participación:

A medida que las personas se vuelven más individualistas y enfocadas en sí mismas, la participación en comunidades religiosas ha disminuido. Las iglesias solían ser centros de reunión y apoyo comunitario, pero hoy en día, muchas personas buscan formas alternativas de conexión social y apoyo emocional fuera del contexto religioso …leer más.


La iglesia está enfrentando desafíos significativos en un mundo que está en constante evolución. Para mantener su relevancia, es necesario que la iglesia se adapte a los cambios culturales, ofrezca mensajes relevantes y establezca conexiones significativas con las nuevas generaciones. Si la iglesia no logra abordar estas preocupaciones y desafíos, es probable que continúe pasando de moda en el futuro.

Cuestionando los dogmas católicos

La era de la información ha permitido a las personas cuestionar y examinar críticamente las enseñanzas y dogmas religiosos. Muchos ya no aceptan ciegamente lo que se les enseña, sino que buscan evidencias, razonamientos y perspectivas alternativas. La rigidez y la falta de apertura al diálogo en algunas instituciones religiosas dificultan la retención de seguidores.

La era de la información ha permitido a las personas cuestionar y examinar críticamente las enseñanzas y dogmas religiosos. Muchos ya no aceptan ciegamente lo que se les enseña, sino que buscan evidencias, razonamientos y perspectivas alternativas. La rigidez y la falta de apertura al diálogo en algunas instituciones religiosas dificultan la retención de seguidores.

El catolicismo, una de las religiones más antiguas y extendidas del mundo, no ha sido ajena a la necesidad de actualizarse. A medida que la sociedad avanza y los conocimientos científicos se expanden, las creencias tradicionales se encuentran cada vez más bajo escrutinio. Los dogmas católicos, considerados inmutables durante siglos, están siendo desafiados por aquellos que buscan una comprensión más amplia y abierta de la fe.

Uno de los principales problemas que enfrenta la Iglesia Católica es su resistencia al cambio y la adaptación a los tiempos modernos. Aunque el mensaje central del amor y la compasión de Jesús sigue siendo relevante, algunas de las normas y enseñanzas dogmáticas han abierto una brecha con sus seguidores. Por ejemplo, su posición inamovible en temas como la anticoncepción, el divorcio y la homosexualidad ha alienado a muchas personas que sienten que sus propias experiencias y necesidades no están siendo reconocidas.

La falta de apertura al diálogo y la interpretación inflexible de la doctrina también han llevado a una disminución en la credibilidad: “¿porqué voy a creer lo que me dicen, si ellos no aceptan el matrimonio del mismo genero?” por poner un ejemplo. En un mundo donde la diversidad de opiniones y la libertad de expresión e tanta, la negativa a escuchar voces discordantes y considerar diferentes perspectivas los deja en una posición desventajosa. Los fieles se sienten excluidos y marginados cuando sus preguntas y dudas son recibidas con silencio o rechazo.

Afortunadamente, dentro de la propia Iglesia Católica, hay voces que abogan por un cambio y una apertura. El Papa Francisco, con su enfoque inclusivo y su llamada a una Iglesia “hospital de campaña”, ha tratado de abordar algunos de estos problemas. Ha habido intentos de reformas para acercarla a los desafíos y hacerla más práctica, como su carta encíclica Laudato si, que aborda la crisis medioambiental desde una perspectiva moral.

Es importante reconocer que cuestionar los dogmas católicos no implica necesariamente abandonar la fe. Por el contrario, puede ser un camino hacia una fe más profunda y madura. Cuestionar, explorar y buscar respuestas es parte del viaje espiritual de cada individuo. Estos cuestionamientos son sanos, pues la fe debe ser personal y viva, en constante evolución y crecimiento.

La sociedad actual se ha topado con la encrucijada de adaptarse a los tiempos modernos o convertirse en una institución cada vez más alejada de la realidad y las necesidades de las personas. Si bien los dogmas pueden proporcionar una base sólida por donde empezar, es importante que se abra al diálogo, la comprensión y la interpretación en el contexto del mundo actual.

La cuestión de los dogmas es solo un aspecto de un debate amplio. A medida que más personas cuestionan las enseñanzas, es necesario fomentar un diálogo respetuoso y constructivo, fomentar la búsqueda de un terreno común. Solo a través de la apertura al cambio y la comprensión mutua podremos encontrar un equilibrio entre la tradición y la necesidad de evolucionar.

La era de la información nos ha brindado la oportunidad de cuestionar y examinar críticamente los dogmas religiosos. Aprovechemos este tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestras creencias y para abrir nuestras mentes y corazones a nuevas perspectivas. Buscar un entendimiento más profundo de la fe nos acercará más a Dios.

Iglesia: Falta de relevancia sobre los problemas actuales

En un mundo en constante evolución y con desafíos sociales y políticos cada vez más apremiantes, la falta de relevancia de la iglesia en la discusión candente de la actualidad es una realidad. A medida que la sociedad se enfrenta a cuestiones fundamentales como la justicia social, la igualdad de derechos, el medio ambiente y otros temas importantes, la iglesia a menudo se quedavrezagada, lo que plantea interrogantes sobre su papel e influencia y si contribuye realmente.

Históricamente, la iglesia ha desempeñado un papel central en la vida comunitaria. De hecho ha sido una institución a la que las personas recurren en busca de guía moral y espiritual. Sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos, muchos sienten que ha perdido su conexión con las realidades cotidianas y se ha alejado de los problemas reales que afectan directamente a la sociedad.

Una de las principales críticas dirigidas a esta institución es su falta de compromiso en temas de justicia social. A medida que la brecha entre ricos y pobres se amplía y las minorías luchan por la igualdad de derechos, la voz de la iglesia a menudo se mantiene en silencio y opta por tratar los temas acostumbrados. Muchas personas esperan que la iglesia defienda la justicia y la equidad, y terminan decepcionadas por su inacción.

Además, le faltado compromiso con la preservación del medio ambiente. A medida que los problemas ambientales se intensifican, con el cambio climático amenazando nuestro planeta, la falta de liderazgo de la iglesia en este ámbito es desconcertante. La protección del medio ambiente es una cuestión moral y ética, y la iglesia tiene la responsabilidad de liderar en este frente, pero su falta de participación activa deja a muchos, creyentes y no creyentes, preguntándose por qué no asume este importante desafío.

La iglesia también ha sido criticada por su falta de inclusión y apoyo a comunidades marginadas, como la comunidad LGBTQ+. A medida que más países y sociedades avanzan hacia la aceptación y la igualdad de derechos para las personas LGBTQ+, la iglesia a menudo se mantiene firme en posiciones conservadoras, lo que la aleja de este sector de la población. Esto ha llevado a que muchas personas se sientan alienadas y busquen otras comunidades que sí les brinden apoyo y aceptación.

Es importante destacar que hay sus excepciones. Algunas comunidades religiosas y líderes eclesiásticos están comprometidos con temas de interés y se esfuerzan por ser relevantes dentro de su ámbito y en la sociedad. Sin embargo, esta no es la norma, sino que la iglesia deja de luchar por mantenerse al día con los desafíos modernos.

Para mantener su relevancia y conexión con las personas, la iglesia debe mirar hacia adelante y enfrentar los problemas actuales de frente. Debe ser una voz fuerte en la defensa de la justicia social, la igualdad de derechos y la protección del medio ambiente. También debe trabajar para crear una comunidad inclusiva que abrace a todas las personas, independientemente de su orientación sexual, identidad de género o cualquier otra característica que las haga únicas.

En conclusión, la iglesia tiene en sus manos la capacidad participar, de marcar una diferencia significativa. Debemos cuestionarnos si está dispuesta a comprometerse con los desafíos actuales. Es hora de que abandone su posición de retaguardia y se involucre activamente en pos de un mundo más justo, igualitario y sostenible. Solo entonces podrá recuperar su relevancia y desempeñar un papel significativo en la vida de las personas.

La desconexión de la iglesia con las nuevas generaciones

Uno de los desafíos más grandes que enfrenta la iglesia hoy en día, es su falta de conexión con las nuevas generaciones. Los jóvenes están buscando experiencias significativas y auténticas, mismas que ya no encuentran en la iglesia, sino que salen a la calle.

En un mundo en constante evolución, donde la tecnología y las redes sociales son parte integral de la vida diaria, la iglesia no puede quedarse atrás; tiene que adaptarse y responder a las necesidades reales del mundo propiedad -ahora propiedad- de las nuevas generaciones. En ocasiones la liturgia (la repetitiva forma de adorar a Dios), el lenguaje arcaico y la falta de relevancia en los mensajes pueden alejar a los jóvenes de participar.

La iglesia no puede quedarse rezagada, aferrándose a formas de adoración y comunicación obsoletas. Muchas comunidades, tanto en las grandes urbes, como en pequeños pueblos, aún siguen utilizando rituales ceremoniosos que pueden parecer confusos y poco atractivos para los jóvenes. La falta de explicación o conexión emocional con estos rituales puede hacer que los jóvenes se sientan desconectados y no les interese experimentar a Dios.

Además, el lenguaje arcaico utilizado en muchos de sus servicios puede ser una barrera para la participación. Las palabras y frases anticuadas, los habitos pasados de moda, la vestimenta poco casual pueden dificultar la comprensión de los mensajes y la identificación con ellos. Los jóvenes buscan ideales claros y relevantes que aborden los desafíos y preocupaciones de su vida cotidiana. Si no encuentran esa conexión en la iglesia, buscarán reemplazos en la vida urbana, en la escuela o donde sea que se relacionen.

Otro factor importante es la falta de relevancia de los mensajes transmitidos. Los jóvenes buscan respuestas a temas actuales que perciben en el día a día. Esperan que la iglesia se involucre activamente en estas cuestiones y no solamente ofrezca un panorama ético sobre acontecimientos milenarios. Si la iglesia no se adapta y aborda estos asuntos actuales, corre el riesgo de resultar desconectada y obsoleta para las nuevas generaciones.

Es fundamental que la iglesia reconozca estos desafíos y busque formas de adaptarse. Lo cual implica cuestionarse sus tradicionales formas de adoración y además escuchar las necesidades y perspectivas de los jóvenes. La iglesia debe ser un espacio inclusivo donde todos se sientan valorados y escuchados, donde puedan encontrar respuestas a sus preguntas los adolescentes, y los no-tan-adolescentes.

La desconexión de la iglesia con las nuevas generaciones es un desafío que debe abordarse de manera urgente. Adaptarse a los cambios culturales, ofrecer una experiencia de adoración relevante y abordar los temas que preocupan a los jóvenes; son pasos fundamentales para reconectar con ellos.

La iglesia tiene la oportunidad de ser un faro de esperanza y guía para las nuevas generaciones, solo debe estar dispuesta a cambiar y adaptarse sin perder de vista sus valores fundamentales. Es importante abordar temas actuales y prácticos, mostrar un compromiso con la justicia y proponer alternativas de transformación.

Los jóvenes de hoy buscan un sentido de propósito y significado. La iglesia tiene las puertas abiertas para abordarlos, solamente tiene que encontrar la manera, pues aunque ha cometido errores, sin duda cuenta con acciones ejemplares, aciertos atinados y un basto catálogo de perfiles destacados, justo lo que buscan los teenagers.

La espiritualidad personalizada

Con la aparición de Internet y las redes sociales, las personas ahora tienen acceso a una amplia gama de recursos espirituales y filosóficos que pueden explorar de forma individual. La búsqueda de la verdad y la espiritualidad se ha vuelto más personalizada, y muchos encuentran satisfacción en seguir su propio camino en lugar de adherirse a una institución religiosa.

El camino de la espiritualidad personalizada es un reflejo de nuestra era. Atrás quedaron los días en que las creencias religiosas se transmitían solo a través de estructuras y dogmas establecidos. Ahora, cada persona puede explorar diferentes enfoques y encontrar su propia verdad. Podemos por ejemplo, estando en una habitación o al aire libre, hablar a Dios y tener la certeza de ser escuchados (aunque no escuchemos respuesta sonora en nuestro idioma, jaja lo cual estaría cool…)

Este nuevo panorama post-pandemico, ofrece oportunidades inesperadas para aquellos que buscan la trascendencia y el significado. Ya no estamos limitados por las creencias y prácticas tradicionales; en su lugar, podemos nutrir nuestro abanico con lo que nos llame. NOTA: La iglesia ofrece este abanico en su doctrina, más no es la única manera. Es una alternativa justa, porque da gloria a Dios nuestro creador, y lo hace de la forma en que el mismo lo dictó (documentado en el libro de Los Numeros de la Biblia y de ahí se fue adaptando hasta nuestros tiempos).

Los caminos alternativos han existido desde antaño. Yo me pregunto porque nunca antes la iglesia ha adaptado, x o y teoría; o porque no ha buscado en lo oculto, en lo difícil, en lo que pocos siguen, la nueva salida hacia un mundo mejor? Mi opinion es que seguramente las ha buscado. Seguro esto lo han explorado ya otros consagrados, y si no es así, mi apuesta es que Dios quien conoce mejor que nosotros el universo creado por Él, Su Universo, si Su iglesia tiene otras consideraciones, es decir, si revela sus secretos a gente sencillas, es por algo.

También considero que no existe salida fácil a nuestra existencia. La dicha que hay es ver la felicidad de otros, lo cual tampoco es fácil de lograr. Esa es mi opinión y reconozco que estoy influenciado por mi tiempo, historia personal, familia, experiencias.

Regresando a la espiritualidad actual, no se trata de rechazar por completo las tradiciones existentes, esto sería demasiado radical, sino de reinterpretarlas y adaptarlas. El hacerlo de esta forma nos permite abordar lo que resuena con nosotros y descartar lo que no, construyendo así un camino único, personal y significativo.

La espiritualidad personalizada también nos anima a adoptar un enfoque práctico y orientado a la acción. En lugar de simplemente creer o rezar (expandir), somos impulsados a vivir de acuerdo con nuestros valores y creencias, y a aplicar esos principios en nuestras interacciones diarias con los demás y con el mundo en general.

Resumiendo, la iglesia nos ofrece un camino de armonía y sana convivencia. No es el único, podemos explorar otros. Y si decidimos hacerlo así, la iglesia nos desea lo mejor: como un padre que despide a sus hijos, comprendiendo que vivirán sus elecciones. Esta es la felicidad madura que muchos anhelamos.

Una iglesia de escándalos y falta de transparencia

La iglesia ha sido sacudida por numerosos escándalos de abuso, corrupción y falta de transparencia en los últimos años. Notas en los diarios han erosionado nuestra confianza sobre las instituciones religiosas, desepcionando e incluso obligando a muchos a cuestionarse y desistir. La falta de rendición de cuentas y la protección de los perpetradores han dejado una marca dificil de borrar aún en esta epoca de grandes cambios.

No podemos ignorar las múltiples acusaciones de malos ejemplos en diversos grados. Desde malversación de fondos, hasta denuncias de abuso sexual que nos interrumpen de nuestras labores. Si bien sospechas, o comprobadas realidades, la iglesia se ha visto envuelta en un velo de oscuridad y secretismo que contradice sus principios fundacionales.

A pesar de estas catástrofes, hay una verdad que sigue siendo fundamental: el fiel sigue a Cristo y no a las personas. Aunque las acciones de sus lideres nos puedan decepcionar, conviene recordar que nuestra fe no se basa en la justicia de los hombres, sino en la misericordia de un Dios perfecto. Además la fe se arraiga en una relación personal con Dios, no en la conducta de autoridades temporales.

Necesariamente, la iglesia es operada por humanos; por personas con virtudes y defectos. Nadie es perfecto como para exigir que el mundo lo sea. Y aunque parezca extraño, Dios llama a pastores que tienen muchas fallas, y van mejorando poco a poco. En la biblia hay muchos ejemplos de conversiones, por ejemplo la de Mateo, el recaudador de impuestos quien devolvió varias veces lo que habia robado.

En fin, la iglesia nunca será excusada de estos crímenes. La rendición de cuentas y la transparencia son valores esenciales para cualquier institución. Es imperativo corregir y enderezar caminos, comenzando con nosotros los fieles: manteniéndonos vigilantes, cuestionando, pidiendo cambios y exigiendo transparencia.

Los laicos tienen un papel importante con el cual la iglesia será más justa y responsable. Ya no se trata de solo ir a misa el domingo, sino que recordemos que mayores resultados implican más involucramiento. La participación activa y crítica de los fieles será un catalizador para el cambio y la restauración de la confianza.

Finalmente recordemos que la iglesia es una comunidad donde encontramos consuelo, guía espiritual y un compañerismo sin igual. Aunque los escándalos y la falta de transparencia puedan causar dolor, no debemos permitir que eclipsen la presencia de Dios en nuestras vidas. En vez de abandonarnos a los escándalos, centrémonos en nuestra relación personal con Cristo, en nuestra fe, y trabajemos juntos para construir una iglesia más transparente. Actuémos con madurez y comprometámonos con el amor y la verdad.

Integrando la Novedad: ajustando nuestra Iglesia

La iglesia ha sido una institución sólida y arraigada a lo largo de los siglos, pero en un mundo en constante cambio, ¿debe adaptarse a la novedad de los últimos tiempos? Esta es una pregunta que ha generado debates y reflexiones en el ámbito religioso. En este artículo, exploraremos la importancia de la adaptación de la iglesia y cómo puede beneficiarse al abrazar la novedad en nuestra sociedad en constante evolución.

Antes que nada, hay que reconocer que hemos visto numerosas reformas a lo largo de su historia. Desde la primera reunión en Nicea, hasta el último Concilio Vaticano Segundo (donde se designó que el sacerdote se ubicara de cara a los fieles durante toda la celebración) las reformas han sido categóricas. Dichos ajustes se han llevado a cabo con éxito, y podríamos preguntarnos ¿necesitamos ahora un nuevo concilio, o los preceptos siguen siendo adecuados?

La naturaleza cambiante de la sociedad:
Vivimos en una época de cambios rápidos y continuos. La tecnología ha revolucionado la forma en que nos comunicamos, trabajamos y relacionamos. La sociedad se ha vuelto cada vez más diversa, multicultural y pluralista. En este contexto, la iglesia no puede quedarse estática y ajena a estos cambios. Si desea seguir siendo relevante y cumplir con su misión de alcanzar a las personas, es fundamental adaptarse a la novedad.

Comunicación y evangelización:
Uno de los aspectos en los que la adaptación se vuelve crucial es en la comunicación de la doctrina y del mismo evangelio. Las nuevas tecnologías y las redes sociales brindan oportunidades sin precedentes para difundir el mensaje de amor y esperanza de Cristo. A través de estas plataformas, podemos llegar a personas de todas las edades y contextos. Al aprovechar estas herramientas, la iglesia puede ampliar su alcance y conectar con una audiencia diversa que, de otra manera, podría no acercarse.

Relevancia en la vida cotidiana:
La adaptación también implica abordar las necesidades y preocupaciones contemporáneas de las personas. La iglesia debe ser relevante en la vida cotidiana de los fieles, ofreciendo respuestas y orientación a los desafíos que enfrentan. Esto implica abordar temas como la justicia social, la protección del medio ambiente, los problemas de salud mental y otros desafíos que nos afectan a todos. Al hacerlo, la iglesia se convierte en un faro de esperanza en un mundo exigente y complejo.

Flexibilidad litúrgica y tradición:
La adaptación no significa abandonar la tradición o diluir la fe, sino encontrar formas de expresarla de manera nueva y relevante para las personas de hoy. La liturgia y las prácticas religiosas pueden adaptarse para atraer y nutrir la fe de los jóvenes. Al mismo tiempo, se debe reconocer el valor de la tradición y la sabiduría acumulada en las personas mayores. La adaptación no es una renuncia a los valores fundamentales, sino una respuesta inteligente a los desafíos y cambios del mundo.

En fin, la adaptación de la iglesia a la novedad es esencial para su supervivencia y relevancia. Al abrazar los cambios y aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrece la novedad, la iglesia puede mantener su misión de amor, esperanza y salvación para todos. La adaptación no significa renunciar a la fe, sino encontrar formas creativas de comunicarla y vivirla en un mundo en constante evolución. Como creyentes, debemos recordar que el mensaje de la iglesia es eterno, pero su forma de llegar a las personas puede y debe adaptarse para tocar los corazones de aquellos a quienes está llamada a servir.

La iglesia ante los nuevos valores

La sociedad está experimentando una evolución de creencias y valores, un cambio novedoso que no siempre se adecua a las enseñanzas tradicionales. Temas como la igualdad de género, los derechos LGBTQ+, el matrimonio igualitario y la diversidad religiosa han provocado tensiones entre las diversas opiniones. Y aquellos que no ven reflejados sus valores, buscan alternativas en sintonia con su forma de pensar.

La iglesia, como institución milenaria, se enfrenta a un desafío sin precedentes: adaptarse a una sociedad de modas y cambios, adaptarse a un mundo cada vez más diverso y plural; a la vez que mantiene su papel tradicional. Por poner un ejemplo, el respeto por los derechos humanos o la igualdad de oportunidades se han convertido en valores fundamentales para muchas personas, y esperan que la iglesia también se adecúe.

En algunos casos, esta desconexión entre la institución milenaria y los nuevos valores ha llevado a la desafección de fieles y a la búsqueda de alternativas espirituales. Muchos buscan comunidades religiosas que ofrezcan un espacio inclusivo y acogedor, donde puedan vivir su fe sin sentirse juzgados o excluidos. Esto no es un problema en sí, pues recordemos que los santos y el mismo Cristo fue revolucionario: defendiendo a mujeres adúlteras y alojándose con publicanos.

Es importante destacar que existen corrientes dentro de la iglesia que han adoptado una postura más abierta y comprensiva hacia estos temas. Algunos líderes están promoviendo un diálogo interno, fomentando respeto y comprensión, en busca de una mayor inclusión y aceptación, reconociendo que la sociedad ha evolucionado y que la iglesia puede hacerlo también, creando espacios de diálogo y reflexión, de respeto y comprensión mutua. Consistirá en encontrar un equilibrio entre la sana preservación de las tradiciones y la adaptación de una sociedad en constante transformación.

La evolución de los valores no significa necesariamente una renuncia a la fe. De hecho, muchas personas siguen buscando una sincera conexión espiritual y una abierta comunidad que les brinde apoyo en su camino personal. Y la iglesia, al adaptarse a estos nuevos valores, tiene la oportunidad de convertirse en un espacio inclusivo y acogedor para todos, sin importar su orientación sexual, identidad de género o creencias personales.

Su tarea de madre defensora de pueblos, no es imponer un conjunto rígido de valores, sino proporcionar un marco ético y moral que guíe a sus fieles en la búsqueda de una vida plena y significativa. En lugar de rechazar los cambios que se están produciendo en la sociedad, la iglesia puede aprovechar este momento para reflexionar sobre sus enseñanzas, si siguen siendo válidas, y adaptarlas a los desafíos y las necesidades de nuestro tiempo.

En este contexto es fundamental meter el dedo en la yaga: ¿se está siendo fiel al mensaje revolucionario de Cristo, o la iglesia debe aferrarse a sus antiguas estructuras? ¿Será benéfico buscar una reinterpretación de la doctrina a doc con los nuevos tiempos? Sobretodo cuestionarse sobre la predicación, si verdaderamente se lleva el mensaje de Cristo, adaptado a nuestra modernidad.

La respuesta a esta pregunta no es sencilla y seguramente generará debates y divisiones dentro de la propia institución religiosa. Sin embargo, hay que reconocer que no podemos seguir ignorando las demandas de una sociedad multicultural y en constante transformación. Ignorarlas solo llevaría a un mayor distanciamiento entre la iglesia y la comunidad a la que debería servir.

En conclusión, la iglesia se encuentra frente a un momento crucial en su historia y tiene la oportunidad de adaptarse a estos nuevos desafíos, reafirmando así su compromiso con la verdad, la justicia, y el amor. Nuestra sociedad está evolucionando, por lo que, para mantener una relevancia y capacidad de influencia, es fundamental abrirse al diálogo, la reflexión y la adaptación. Solo así podrá mantener su conexión con aquellos que buscan con sinceridad un espacio espiritual. Solo así se mantendrá en pie como un referente moral y espiritual.

Iglesia: Declive en la participación

A medida que las personas se vuelven más individualistas y enfocadas en sí mismas, la participación en comunidades religiosas ha experimentado un marcado declive. Las iglesias, que alguna vez fueron centros de reunión y apoyo comunitario, parecen estar perdiendo su relevancia en la vida cotidiana de muchas personas. Hoy en día, cada vez más individuos buscan formas alternativas de conexión social y apoyo emocional fuera del contexto religioso.

Durante siglos, las iglesias han sido pilares fundamentales en la construcción y fortalecimiento de las comunidades. Estos lugares sagrados han brindado un espacio para el encuentro, la solidaridad y la colaboración en torno a valores compartidos. Las actividades religiosas, como las misas, los sermones y las festividades, han servido como puntos de encuentro para vecinos y amigos, donde se fomentaba el sentido de pertenencia y se establecían lazos de confianza y apoyo mutuo.

Sin embargo, en los últimos años, hemos presenciado un cambio significativo en la participación comunitaria en las iglesias. Cada vez más personas optan por no identificarse con una afiliación religiosa específica o se sienten menos motivadas para asistir regularmente a los servicios religiosos. Esta tendencia se atribuye, en parte, a la creciente individualización de la sociedad, donde los individuos buscan satisfacer sus necesidades y encontrar su identidad de manera más autónoma.

Además del cambio generacional, el surgimiento de nuevas formas de conectividad ha influido en esta disminución de la participación. Los jóvenes de hoy están menos interesados en las tradiciones establecidas y más inclinados a buscar experiencias auténticas y significativas. Las redes sociales y las plataformas en línea ofrecen oportunidades sin precedentes para contactar a otros y compartir experiencias. Estas alternativas también brindan una sensación de comunidad y apoyo emocional, por lo que muchos acuden al internet buscando un bienestar.

La secularización de la sociedad es otro factor que debemos tratar. A medida que la ciencia y la educación se han vuelto más prominentes, muchas personas han cuestionado las enseñanzas religiosas y han adoptado una visión más práctica. Esto ha llevado a una disminución en la importancia de la religión como motor central en la vida de las personas y, por lo tanto, en su participación en contextos religiosos.

Cabe destacar que todo esto no significa un declive en la búsqueda. Muchas personas continúan al asecho de conexiones profundas, apoyo emocional y un sentido de pertenencia, y lo hacen a través de medios no tradicionales. Grupos de interés compartido, organizaciones laicas y actividades culturales se están convirtiendo en nuevas formas de comunidad que satisfacen las necesidades sociales y emocionales actuales.

En resumen, la disminución de la participación comunitaria en las iglesias refleja un cambio de valores y preferencias en la sociedad actual. A medida que nos volvemos más individualistas, buscamos también más formas de conexión social y las iglesias ya no son el primer recurso. Es importante reconocer que la búsqueda de significado sigue siendo una necesidad, y que por lo tanto, las iglesias pueden aprovechar este momento para integrarse felizmente.

De paso

Unos cuantos años mas, si no es que somos llamados antes. Cuando terminemos estas temporadas, cuando muramos, que nos quedará? Comparándolo con un ejemplo de la vida real, cuando está por morir una serie de Netflix, se anuncian nuevos episodios. O contamos con varias series a escoger, según nuestro antojo: policíacas, de humor, acción, drama… Las publicidades y mercadotenias no se acaban, pero hablando de la vida ordinaria, ¿qué hay mañana? Acaso será seguir igual con lo mismo. Y si llegamos a viejos, ¿que habrá después?

¿Una mejor vida? Si sí (y así lo creo), que afortunados somos de haber nacido en una sociedad latina, de habla hispana y piel mestiza. ¿Y si no? Si después de la muerte no hay nada, y nos hubimos gastado en labores cotidianas: ser buena madre, trabajar para mantener una familia, ¿después qué? Los hijos seguirán por su camino y quedaremos nosotros como al principio, un poco más maduros. Estas son preguntas reales y hasta duele hacerlas; pero conviene mirar nuestros pasos.

Es de merito aventurero, lanzarse con absoluta confianza a lo que Dios nos de a entender. Puesto que solo tenemos una vida, hay que cargarnos de este espíritu y avanzar con desisión. La eternidad es para los valientes, ¿o acaso la ganaremos con cobardía?

¿Cómo amar a un Dios que no se ve?

Aunque no se vea directamente, todo el tiempo encontramos a Dios. Todo lo creo Él y no existe un solo pelo que no tenga un granito de Él, o mejor dicho, que todo completo no provenga de Él. Ni aún la cárcel más oscura está privada de Él.

Además de su misericordia, en la confesión, existen otros métodos para encontrarlo. Mas que golpearse la espalda, o esforzarse mezquinamente con abstinencias, yo sugeriría amar prácticamente al próximo. Ayudando al necesitado en hospitales he sentido inesperadamente, serena satisfacción. Si eso es difícil, también podemos encontrarlo en la providencia, en el orden, en la belleza, en lo limpio, en lo nuevo e inocente, en la pureza, en fin, hay infinitas manifestaciones frente a nuestros ojos

Everyone can start believing 🙏

It takes only will, to start believing at least with the mind. One may arguments against faith, but the will to believe belongs only to the persona. He can believe, or not, is his decision. And since anyone can decide it, anyone can be included in the perimeter of parishioners: Catholics are open to new members. Actually the quest of the apostles was to announce good news. If you like good news, you can be a candidate.

It doesn’t mean that anything we believe will become true. Also believing with the mind, and with all the heart is different. One may say with words “I believe”, and deep in the heart he doesn’t.

This is the starting point, the first step, a decision of a free will. Mary, and even Abraham out stand because of this first step that brought the Lamb to all humanity, starting from faith. I will underline: knowledge is not necessary, nor abilities, nor money, or strength. We don’t need to be smart, nor to have studies.

This humble start, triggers a series of new happy decisions. Good luck! 🤞

To disappear: A prosperous career

I had a young friend who leaving behind his prosperous career, decided to disappear. He moved to the mountains and became a paraglider pilot. Now he enjoys his free schedule, sky-flying in a daily basis. A strong feeling of peace I feel when I see his pictures. The same feeling as when viewing the landscape from an airplane: the Beatific Vision reminds me.

Believers enjoy the Beatific Vision in Heaven. However, Heaven and sky are not the same. When flying in an airplane, we encounter white clouds. It seems that only cotton exists there. There is no Saint Peter opening the majestic gates. There isn’t a joyful banquet party, with all my past-away relatives. There are not even visible angels.

So where is this eternal heaven we Catholics believe in??? Is it a physical place in the space-time (citing Mr. Einstein), or is it more like an eternal present state of well-being? Could these concepts be explained in few lines, in a Bible, and be suitable for both future and past generations, or any type of people from any background???

Lets leave the basic words behind and look for the underlying meaning of them. By following its message, in the right religion, we will find an answer: not the easier way, but a precious solution we can believe in.. 🙏

Qué significa ‘Quo Vadis’?

Habiendo muerto y resucitado Cristo, los hechos se remontán al año 64, cuando Nerón emprendió una persecución contra los crisianos, religión que aún no era aceptada. Según cuenta el evangelio apócrifo de los Hechos de Pedro, el apostol decidió huir de la ciudad, pero en su camino se le apareció Jesucristo, arrastrando la cruz. “Quo vadis Domine” (“¿A dónde vais, Señor?”) le preguntó perplejo. Su respuesta le hizo cambiar de opinión y regresar: “Roman vado iterum crucifigi” (“Voy hacia Roma para ser crucificado de nuevo”).

Habiendo negado tres veces a Jesús, Pedro quiso rectificar y afirmarlo publicamente a su regreso a Roma. Esta desición le costó la vida, entregándola en su martirio crucificado bocaabajo. Razón tenía Jesús al fundar su iglesia sobre este pecador, quien lo había negado en vida. Ahora perdonado se reivindica convirtiéndose en el primer papa, primer obispo de Roma, e incluso la tradición le atribuye las llaves del cielo. San Pedro es uno de los más grandes santos declarados por la Iglesia Católica, junto a San Pablo y San José.

Why I think you should Baptize your baby bornes?

Baptism is the greatest gift I have received because it opened for me the door to heaven. The door to a place that is eternal, an eternal bless that is more that I could ever aspire. Who knows if working my whole life could grant me a bit of heaven…

I feel thankful for this blessing and wish to share it to babies. Because they, being not able to discern by themselves, have the right to be educated. Their parents may want to transmit the most valuable to their children, opening the door to this full-time happiness.

Catholicism is also cross; so later in life, when being able to chose by themselves, they will freely decide their path. They already started with the right foot, and a choice will be required. There are plenty of offerings -either spiritual or not spiritual- out there; so when the time comes, they will have to decide. And whatever their decision, God will keep loving them. Life will go on: the Sun will keep shining, and they will be still breathing 🤪.

Is Buddhist Enlightment a valid goal?

Enlightment is a concept, a Buddhist idea or goal that works in theory: a desired perfect state of mind, which in practice becomes not so simple. For years as a practitioner, I tried every day to attain enlightment. I was rewarded with moments of peace, just moments.

As the practitioner I was, now that I have seen both parts, the Buddhist and the Catholic; I think different now. The correct approach to get this desired satisfaction, instead of training the mind through meditation, would be to take care of others, by charity. This is a different approach, so extremely different that it may seem aimed toward a different goal. But it is practically the same the goal, at least in what is possible to attain: to live in a better state of well-being, something similar as heaven.

What for do you want a perfectly silent mind? Is it possible to attain peace of mind with our present world? Is meditation the right way to go for it, or is it by helping others?

With His 62nd Home Run, Aaron Judge Stands Alone in A.L.

It is always fun, to write down of the number of Home Runs each player scores in the season. The most important Home Run I made, was in a trip to Europe, then I converted to Catholicism. It was a Home Run because of the life-change decisions I took. It wasn’t a matter of virtue, or me achieving goals in a devastating effort. It was just caused by luck. I was lucky going to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Medjugorje found the path I was looking for. That was a full house Home Run. The whole stadium stand up, my inner stadium… ha ha ha, at least in my imagination 🤩

Title from this article

Biden Administration Considering Humanitarian Parole Program for Venezuelans

Humanitarian aid is always given between countries. We help each other, even when we have our differences. Moving, connecting and solving situations distinguish us as humans. Put our neurons to work, to help in circumstances; and momentary forget one’s important issues. Lets join forces and work for a better stance, in this our transitory world.

Title from this article

Clean Energy Projects Surge After Climate Bill Passage

Photo by Sebastian Voortman on

A new ocean of opportunities arise and we see His open magnificence, His intelligence that prevented. It is clearer, we can build our civilization based, instead on petroleum, on green energy. Money and the stock market will be affected too, being part of the game. Electric cars will move us, solar panels will heat our water… It would be nice if we have known it before, we could have done much good to the environment. Too much “bla bla bla”, it is time to fix it, our Earth is still alive! God is on our side, and life goes on…

The title is from here

Protecting the Peatlands of Ireland as Fuel Costs Skyrocket

Cost of fuel Skyrocket. Lets use green energy that preserve the environment. Computers also save us time, and connect us with the web. These are cheap compared to the benefits. I can see the aid of God in various ways. However, we have to stop for a moment, to see God’s intervention. Who would win, in this race for progress?

Photo by Pixabay on and title from here

Three stars for a new East Village restaurant

Eating is my favorite activity. Wheather in North Carolina, or in East Village, people love to eat. It is also known that “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. That would be too much. Sharing is a good idea, specially with those who cannot pay you back. A wise philosophy will consider sharing. Share when possible, any of the things received from the Creator, seem in most occasions a good idea.

Image by @letsgetlost_ai

The Title is from this article

Could She Afford a Manhattan Studio?

She may work full time, or may have access to the money without working. Maybe she inherited a rich scenario, a bunch of properties in New York, privileged actions in the stock market, a consortium of luxury hotels around the globe. We are as lucky as her, having inherited an eternity in a place like heaven, a better location can not be imagined. Not just a weekend, or a vacation. Not even a whole lifetime… We only have to fulfill His Will…

Image by @faybelarts, with the aid of MidJourney, an Artificial Intelligence bot.

The Title is from this article

Literal Analyzing a NY-Times article

Its title, because I won’t read the text -not a single line- reads: “A 2,700 Mile Cycling Race Is…” bla bla bla. The text is accompanied by a photo of gorgeous mountains crossed by a strong bicycle. A good picture like this should be an anticipation of the equally great text:

The use of a ‘y’ in “Cycling”, an rare letter, reminds me of strange languages from the opposite side of the world: those that use expanded alphabets. This ‘y’ is surrounded by two ‘c’s, and the three of them are consonants. Only one vowel for the whole word, an ‘i’ in the middle, as balancing both sides, which suggests the meaning of a “bicycle”.

I used this same “Cy” transition in my CyberDudes NFT collection, but I will tell you about it in another chance.

The title ends with a tricky term which kept me thinking over and over: “extreme”. I like this word, used by teenagers. I feel I have a young soul when reading it. Specially because it is accompanied by a large number of miles: ‘2,700’, with two ceros and even a comma grouping the first three digits. This bait in the title, leaved me a taste of: “I want to read more”

You know what, I changed my mind. I want to read this article. I will do it right now 😊.


Article at NYTimes: A 2,700-Mile Cycling Race Is Now Even More Extreme

my CyberDudes NFT collection

What do God gains from our worship? 🙏🏻

Photo by David Eucaristu00eda on

Conceiving of a God who needs us to go to Mass on Sundays is a misunderstanding; making Him look vain and selfish. This could lead parishioners to reject the Church and its followers. And the truth is far from this idea. God is already glorious in himself and does not need our help for this. He gains nothing from our worship, and in any case, it is us who could benefit.

It is fair to recognize the One who deserves it. To acknowledge God, who created beauty and grace, is an act of justice. And don’t we feel good when acting right? This is one of the reasons why we feel happy and confident after worship. I want to point out that worshiping the wrong God, from different traditions, or like the golden idols spoken of in Scripture, is not good. I invite you to a regular adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, held occasionally in most Catholic churches, to see the difference and draw your conclusions. 👋🏻 I get 30% commission

Is the creator Jesus? ✝

Photo by Pixabay on

Because the universe is finely orchestrated, people have arguments to think that there is a Creator. Catholics named this Creator God, and claim that exists in 3 personas who are the same. The second of this Trinity is Jesus, also called the Sun. So there is the Father, the Sun and the Holy Spirit, and because They are the same, it is correct to say that Jesus is the Creator.

A Prayer in Difficult Times

Photo by Maria Orlova on

Even though it is recommended to pray with simple words and sincere ideas; I occasionally assist myself with this video: “Prayer in Difficult Times”. I find it practical to follow its inspiring voice, and complement it with my own made-up-in-the-moment prays. A transcript of each prayer is below (you can turn on the captions if you prefer):

Confort me in suffering

Loving God, I pray that you will comfort me in my suffering. Lend skill to the hands of my healers, and bless the means used for my cure. Give me such confidence and the power of your grace, that even when I am afraid I may put my whole trust in you, through my savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Patience in Sickness

Lord Jesus Christ by your patience and suffering you hallowed the earthly pain and gave us the example of obedience to your father’s will, be near my time of weakness and pain. Sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail. Heal me according to your will, and help me always to believe that what happens to me here is of a little account if you hold me in eternal life, my lord and my god. Amen.

Eyes of mercy

Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy. May your healing hand rest upon me. May your life-giving powers flow into every cell of my body; and into the depths of my soul; cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in your kingdom. Amen.

Quiet Mind, Expectant heart

Merciful Jesus, you are my guide the joy of my heart, the author of my hope, and the object of my love. I come seeking refreshment and peace; show me your mercy. Relieve my fears and anxieties. and grant me a quiet and an expectant heart; that by the assurance of your presence, I may learn to abide in You, Who is my Lord and my God. Amen.

Prayer For Self-Care

Lord, lift me up for your blessings today. I pray that you will anoint me strength and self-care today, tomorrow, and always. I pray that you will grace me with patience and wisdom. I pray that you will encourage me throughout the day; to take the correct steps to walk proudly, and to behave well. I pray all of these things in your name. Amen

Healing A Broken Heart

Lord, please heal my broken heart. Fill me with peace and joy. I know can only come from you during this hard time. Walk closely besides me during my journey to healing and recovery that I know it is only possible through your power alone; in Jesus name. Amen.

Healing From The Past

Blessed Jesus, in the comfort of your love, I lay before you the memories that haunt me, the anxieties that perplex me, the despair that frightens me, and my frustration at the inability to think clearly. Help me to discover your forgiveness in my memories, and to know your peace in my distress. Touch me, oh Lord, and fill me with your light and your hope. Amen.

I Believe

Dear God, I know that the first step in all spiritual healing is to believe. I believe. I open my mind and heart believing in your infinite power and possibility. I believe that healing is a dynamic and reachable experience: a reality that can be experienced right now. I maintain a patient and loving attitude, for I believe that your healing activity is now at work in my mind and body. I look forward with joyful expectation to the perfect wholeness that you are now bringing into manifestation through me. I believe in your constant expression of perfect good at and through me. I rest in the certainty of your healing power. I know that with you all things are possible; in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

Prayer For Mental Healing

Jesus I know that when you walked on the earth, you trot upon hard places. You felt the strain of this world and the pressures of mental torment. So I ask that you would come besides me now. Lead me through this time where my mind cannot cope. Help me to find peace and calming inner thoughts. You hold me safe lord. I trust in you. Amen.

Healing Prayer Of Surrender

Dear Lord, it is my will to surrender to you everything that I am, and everything that I am striving to be. I open the deepest recesses of my heart and invite your holy and invite your holy spirit to dwell inside of me. I offer you my life, heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. I surrender to you my past, present, and future problems. I ask you to take hold over every aspect of my life. I surrender to you all my hurt, pain, worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety; and I ask you to wash me clean. I release everything into your compassionate care. Please speak to me clearly Lord. Open my ears to hear your voice. Open my heart to commune with you deeply. I want to feel your loving embrace. Open the doors that need to be opened, and close the doors that need to be closed. Please set my feet upon the straight and narrow road that leads to everlasting life, Amen.

Healing With Your Creative Hand

Jesus, with just one touch from your almighty creative hand, You have healed the sick and raised the dead. How amazing is your lordship all over the earth. How powerful is your redeeming love. How great was your sacrifice to go before us and bring forgiveness and hope. By your stripes, I ask for healing. Standing within your reign and rule, I ask for restoration. May life and wellness grow in fullness until it overflows. Amen.

Renew My Mind, Body and Soul

Lord, I come before you today, in need of your healing hand. In you all things are possible. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body and soul. I am lost, but I am singing. You gave us life, and you also gave us the gift of infinite joy. Give me the strength to move forward onto the path you have laid out for me. Guide me towards better health, and give me the wisdom to identify those you’ve placed around me, to help me get better. In your name I pray, Amen.

From Bad Comes Good

Heavenly Father, it hurts so bad! Build the pain with your love. Blur the sharp edges by reminding me that from bad comes good. Help me appreciate that after the sorrow, joy is sweeter. I look forward to better times. I can endure anything with you by my side, Amen.

Blessing Prayer for Another’s Healing

May you desire to be healed. May what is wounded in your life be restored to good health. May you be receptive to the ways in which healing needs to happen. May you take good care of yourself. May you extend compassion to all that hurts within your body, mind and spirit. May you be patient with the time it takes to heal. May you be aware of the wonders of your body, mind and spirit an the ability in returning you to good health. May you be open to receive from those who extend kindness, care and compassion to you. May you rest peacefully under the sheltering wings of divine love, trusting in this gracious presence. May you find little moments of beauty and joy to sustain you. May you keep hope in your heart, Amen.

Restoration and Trust

Lord of heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. I dwell within your gentle heart. I know there is healing in your touch. Through the sufferings of Christ. I can ask for restoration and trust in your goodness. You are my lord, my savior, my healer and my friend. I dwell within your gentle embrace, Amen.

Prayer for the Trials of Life

Lord Christ, you came into the world as one of us, and suffered as we do. As I go to the trials of life, help me to realize that you are with me at all times, and in all things. That I have no secrets from you and that your loving grace enfolds me for eternity. In the security of your embrace I pray. Amen.

Prayer for the Sick

May you be wrapped-up in God’s love. Founded deep in his everlasting wings. Carried, and kept safe, and cherished. May the healing power of Christ breath across your being now. Amen.

Broken Hearted Prayer

Heavenly Father, there is a pain implanted in my heart that doesn’t seem to go away. It has crushed me, it aches, I can no longer bear it. This pain of the past consumes my thoughts daily. It hurts so much, Father: these tears that fall along to see joy once again. Give me peace in my heart, please. I am crying out to you. Hear my prayer, Amen.

Divine Physician

Dear Jesus, divine physician and healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. Oh dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear god, we place our words in your hands; we place our sick under your care, and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will; and know that whatever you do, you do it for the love of us. Amen.


VIDEO: Prayer in Difficult Times – youTube video from God with us

How to Pray: the Beginner’s Guide | Cru

Catholic Prayers – Xavier University I get 30% commission

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Why I chose Catholicism instead of Buddhism❓

I have practiced both Catholicism, and Buddhism. I had also gone through other systems like Taoism, Yoga, Reiki and more. But at the end I preferred Catholicism. This is my opinion in this important topic:

Catholicism is a faith, which began in Jesus, who said I am the Truth. Buddhism, on the other hand, is an interesting philosophy, an intelligent system with outstanding thinking. In fact, explanations and narratives can be more stimulating in Buddhism than in Catholicism. But the Buddha is not the Lord. As you can see, this is a different conception, a different view which cannot be compared.

If we focus only on the material world without God’s acting; or to say it differently, if we think only in matter and its consequences, as buddhism claims, we end up with a temporarily world that will pass away, with no meaning and no higher purpose. Life on the contrary, our world is full of purpose, God is in everything, in every movement. Life is vast and rich, with grace all around. There is grace in the sun and in the air. God is in the creatures and also in humans. There is an immense complexity in all the ecosystems, in living entities, even in observable landscapes. Intelligent order like this doesn’t happen alone out of nothing. There has to be a Creator, there is one.

And most important is to test it for yourself. If you are from a different tradition (as the buddhist I was before) , I encourage you to test Catholicism. See what happens with the sacraments. No one can tell you that this is good or bad; look for yourself. You can always come back if it doesn’t convince you. Or it could occur what happened to me, when I went to Medjugorge within a group: I liked it, I preferred it, and I converted. Try it for a month, I think it is worth a lifetime! 😀


Catholicism and Buddhism – Clearing Up the Confusion

Catholicism and Buddhism: Compatible Beliefs?
By Peter Mirus, Aug 29, 2006


Catholicism and Mindfulness: Compatible practices or contrary spiritualities?
The Catholic World Report I get 30% commission

Why I chose Catholicism instead of Christianism❓

Why Catholicism instead of other Christian churches? Mainly because of the palpable presence of Christ in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Its beauty is objective and and verifiable by anyone. I invite you to a public adorations of the Blessed Sacrament, so that you can see for yourself the cleanliness and freedom that comes from contemplation.

A more intelectual explanation is to consider its structure. Catholic Mass consists of two parts, the human part with readings and prayers, and second part on God’s action. What really matters is the second. The same goes for confession. One part is the human, so a human priest has to give you absolution; but the true work is done by God, who forgives sinners. So, if someone from another language enters the confessional, as could happen in Medjugorje; even if the priest doesn’t understand the language, or if he doesn’t really understand the sinner’s behavior; when he confesses, sins are forgiven. This cannot be subjective, in fact I feel good after each confession, and after communions. This is lacking in other Churches; and cannot be substituted by reading the scripture. I encourage you to believe in the sacraments 🙂

Catholicism can have flaws, who doesn’t. But it have prevailed for centuries, don’t you think this is sustained by God?


Roman Catholicism | Definition, Beliefs, History, & Facts.

One true Church

Catholicism is God’s one and only true religion. Why don’t …

How do we know Catholicism is the true religion? I get 30% commission

65% commission

Blockchain blocks, for sale?? ⛓️

Many things in this mysterious universe have a start and ending, like a ruler, or a stick, like a stone. But also concepts like months and seasons have initial and end dates. We can join the edges: start and end, starting and ending together again, starting and ending and so on… like in an immense chain of repeated signals only computers can handle.

The new trend is about this: about the constantly linking in a chain, a chain of blocks of bytes. Imagine an immense string of data represented by ones and zeroes, that is what in crypto-world we call: the Blockchain (obviously much more complicated).

Photo by Joey Kyber on

Nowadays, titanic amounts of information can be stored in the cloud, accessed in nanoseconds in any point of the globe. Someone can be at Miami, crawl through a resource stored in Philippines, and get the image, file or whatever the resource is. Not to mention that if its available for sale, at a reasonably fair price, it can be ordered and received via FedEx, UPS, DHL, or any packaging system that would assure the delivery, in a matter of days. All this is possible thanks to digital technology, which have evolved from previous generations, who had to deal with stores and previous than that stores were not self service…

There is a revolution in the digital era, it is called cryptography: a science about cyphering information, so that it is only understandable by the owner. Techniques like issuing a public and a private key were born. With them one can encrypt information, secured, so if it reaches malicious hands, the information cannot be understood, cannot be read.

Now that the Blockchain exists, that Bitcoin exists, Ethereum, Polkadot, etc; all humans (not only Catholics being kings with technology under our service) can take advantage of it. As with many things in these modern times, we are shifting our traditional way of thinking, finding fresh and open marketplaces like the crypto-world. Even when I dislike the infinite rows of megabytes in Bitcoin’s ledger, it would be sloppy not to use cryptocurrencies, not to build artistic NFTs.

Thinking in block making, in all these tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the binary chains they create (that is why it is called the Blockchain), I remembered about own blocks, the ones I designed. Unlike those digital ledgers, these are physical blocks, pretty weighted squares. I designed them in my free time, for the fun of doing it; and are used to keep desks in order, to stop papers from flying around, when the fan is on, or in a windy situation. Important information could be lost, and it is better to be prepared to unpredictable events:

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

There is this story of a young man that lost his birth certificate when was lying over his desk. He had to stand long hours in the line to obtain a copy of it. Don’t let this happen to you. To keep your desks ordered, clean, and in breath comfort when seeing it. look for this embellishment online, tell me if you like one.

This pandemic opens doors to different ways in faith (not only in business). As stated in the documents, there will be a new role of cathedrals and churches. They used to be buildings for people to attend service. This way settled in, and parishioners could translate to the building by walking, in antique villages. People could go to the astonishing House of God, an immense temple where masses were celebrated, with beautiful stained glass windows, and tall pillars.

Those times seem faded away. Even Though its essence prevails (the essence is Christ’s message), the forms of religion change and need to be updated. In this violent world, people start to reconsider what is religion all about? Is it about going to mass on sundays? Is it about loving God and people? How are we managing it with this pandemic?

BTW, in these times where we cannot stand near one another in church, I use to watch the mass on youTube. It may not be the best solution, but it have worked. There are also tons of prayer videos, available by clicking on it. They can be of help when trying to pray. As Saint Theresa of Jesus said, praying is talking to God, as a casual chat without fancy words, just speak to the one who loves us. So a video usually helps me to enter the mood. 🖐🏻🙋🏻‍♀️🖐🏻


A Crypto Optimist Meets a Crypto Skeptic
Katie Haun and I discuss the future cryptocurrency could create.
By ‘The Ezra Klein Show’, Oct 15, 2021

I Joined a Penguin NFT Club Because Apparently That’s What We Do Now
Is this what the metaverse looks like?
By Kevin Roose, Aug 12, 2021

Dolce & Gabbana Just Set a $6 Million Record for Fashion NFTs
It auctioned a nine-piece virtual/physical collection.
By Dana Thomas, Oct 4, 2021

12 EcoNFTs in the Algorand Ecosystem

As a Digital Artist, I am always moving from start to finish, or from finish to start, now making NFTs…. constantly having creations ready to include in the library, not to say list in auctions. Following are my latest artworks, and I will be uploading more, so to keep you up to date. Most of these NFTs were safely stored in the Algorand blockchain, so they will remain a trading property forever. They can be owned with the Algo Cryptocurrency, as well as sold or transferred. As an ecology lover artist, I point out that this Blockchain, Algorand, uses the PPoS algorithm, or in simple words, a working mechanism friendly to the environment. Carbon emissions in our case are low compared to other blockchains. Enjoy them, as white label NFTs!

One of my favorite desserts in French’s cuisine, specially for breakfasts, is the fabulous Croissant. This tasty pastry, or bread, can have a delicious smell like baked gardens. I chose rose and green to depict a smell, or how would you do it?

Pass Me The Croissant

Lets throw anything to the beast inside. Because stomachs can handle any kind of food, thrown at random order, at any rhythm and speed.

Food stomatch

Whatever a panda is up to, in its journey through the forest, is a mystery. Its way of thinking, maybe in chinesse, or in bears language, will always be a question mark ⁉

The mind of a Panda

While changing shoes, after a gym session, many of dilemmas pass through his mind. The text background cloud represents his endlessly thinking blockchain.

After working out

Finding a undiscoverable hiding place, is a must when crossing the frontier! Discovering an immigrant without a passport or documents is as easy as catching a baseball in an open field.

Immigration Catch

I remember this shoe-banging from my mom. However this is about Russian Premier Khrushchev banged his shoe on a desk of the United Nations (this happened around 60 years ago)

Banged Flip Flop

G.M.O. Glasses

Corns can jump to life when taking them into art. Here, in a fashion of colored dots, a cob wears glasses. It looks happy, actually smiles, as would do a scarecrow.

Runaway Train

Crossing the sound speed barrier is a reality in modern trains. Birds have to fly away fast, as to not be smashed and run over by the train.

Vaccine Ready

Finally we got an encounter with the real antidote, the actual substance manufactured in laboratories. A bar-code hides the liquid substance holding the cure

One of Those Days

Not every day is the perfect one. Situations happen when one prefers to runaway or to not witness anything. Unlike most of my work, this is a moving video clip, with sound and effects, frozen in the Ethereum Blockchain.

I cry on Tuesdays and Fridays

This pandemic hasn’t been easy for no one. Almost nobody likes it, anyway we have to support each other, taking care of those near us. Sometimes, it is okay to cry -inspired on a post of The New York Times.


Sweden’s Pancake

Honey and waves of syrup were redeem in this pancake. A butter squared top embelish the platillo. This NFT was also inspired by a post in The New York Times.

I have many more NFTs. You can follow me on twitter as @JoseDelPaso or @NFTGiveAways3 since, I continuously do giveaways. You can trade them simply, in a matter of seconds, and get easy profits in the growing white-label NFT market ✋🏻

65% commission

A New Chance to Switch Gears 🚙

The New York Times Reader’s Center is looking for inspiring people who prove it’s never too late to switch gears, change lifestyles and pursue dreams. They want to hear from people of all ages who are living according to their own timeline — in regards to career, education, athletic pursuits, family, friendships or another calling: People who learned to drive after the age of 40, found love after age 75 or finished a marathon at age 99.

Art is a good field to switch gears into, it doesn’t require the physical optimum, only time and wishes. Regular life is that busy, being a relief at certain age to move into another field, a more relaxing and creative one. It is never to late to use experience or knowledge; to face different issues; or to learn different skills. If there is free time and patience, he or she could become a good artist. For example I made this painting in acrylic, using a 47 X 31.5in canvas:

Original painting in canvas

Leaving alone the easel along with my initial inspiration, I then switched to my licensing knowledge: and holding the legal right of this artwork, transformed it into a product. So a painting originally in canvas, became a design ready in the computer, available to be replicated in products. As you saw in the canvas above, its theme was a sun with cactuses, which then were manufactured in this apron:

Manufactured product available here

You can see that the main theme corresponds to the figures in the canvas. There is the same sun and cactuses. This new way of making products its called POD (Print On Demand), meaning that there is no inventory. Whenever someone orders, the apron is cut and printed at that moment with the digital image, and sent to the buyer who already payed online. Products are good quality, totally new, without handling deterioration, nor transfer damages. It is a different business with thousand of artists around the globe making very interesting products…

Being satisfied with the final outcome, why not use my other paintings to make more aprons. As an artist, I paint every day and have many finished canvases in my studio. We photographed each one, caring about lighting and reflections, digitalized them, and made aprons, of varied sizes:

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Aprons, clocks, cell cases, masks, mugs, and many products can be manufactured this way. Redbubble, the australian company, helps designers to promote their work. However one may not be interested in making business after all. OKay forget the money for a second, and focus on what we were talking about: changing gears.

I have switched gears in religion too, shifting again, my purpose of living. It is not the same to go to mass as a weekly routine, than to be an individualistic new-age practitioner (and I passed through both of them in this order). As an inherited catholic, I did duties because I had to: I used to forgive incidents but only with my voice, not in the heart.

I saw advantages in dropping church while I was a Buddhist and later switched to a Taoist; however I never founded satisfaction in these doctrines. I felt no peace and was running all the time, from one goal to the other. Of course, physical surgeries made me reflect on my acting, and a trip I took to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to Israel. I definitely turned back to The religion of love, to the same Jesus I knew as child, with a deeper understanding and embracing the faith. I have been in peace since then, and never regret of returning. I wish you good luck in switching Years, hahaha I mean GEARS…. Thanks for reading, I see you later 🖐🏻


Did You Switch Gears Later in Life? We Want to Hear from You.
June 16, 2021

Switching Gears to Retirement
If retirement looks like a vast wasteland awaiting you, here are some ways to find your bearings.
By Kerry Hannon, Sep 12, 2019

At Midcareer, an Artist Switches Gears
Article on and interview with painter Susan Rothenberg, whose 11 new paintings are on view at Sperone Westwater; photos by Amei Wallach, Oct 26, 1997, I get 30% commission

65% commission

The new Blockchain ⛓️

Many things in the universe start and end, like a ruler, or a stick, like a stone. But also concepts like months and seasons have initial and end dates. We can join the edges: starting and ending, start and end like in an immense chain of bytes only computers can handle.

The new trend is about this: the constantly linking in a chain, a chain of blocks, or in crypto-world, the Blockchain.

Now that the Blockchain exists, that Bitcoin exists, Ethereum, Polkadot, etc; all humans (not only Catholics being kings with technology under our service) can take advantage of it.

As with many things in these modern times (pandemic and so on) we are shifting our traditional way of thinking, finding fresh and open marketplaces like the crypto-world. Even when I dislike the infinite rows of megabytes in Bitcoin’s ledger, it would be sloppy not to use cryptocurrencies, not to invest on NFTs.

Of course we wont use technology to become slaves of it, we will use it in a smart way 😄. The biggest tradeoffs against the blockchain technologies are their ecological impacts. And when browsing about them I got astonished…

The Internet is this giant source of information –insights are just an extension of it. Anybody can post anything, anytime. Even when lying, one will always find what it is searched for. Myself too collapsed with these videos, since I care about our planet:

Fortunately we have alternatives to save the environment from harmful side effects, of whose my favorite is the Algorand Blockchain. It is opensource, white label and environmental-friendly. Its founder, who works at MIT, made its Pure Proof of Stake algorithm, (something that drastically decreases carbon emissions, actually a similar algorithm will be in Ethereum 2, hopefully in 2022).

…I am still in the process of learning and testing this blockchain to upload my NFT’s collection. I will update this post in the coming months (if I God provides me enough health, obviously).

Time to Switch Gears 🚙

The New York Times Reader’s Center is looking for inspiring people who prove it’s never too late to switch gears, change lifestyles and pursue dreams. They want to hear from people of all ages who are living according to their own timeline — in regards to career, education, athletic pursuits, family, friendships or another calling: People who learned to drive after the age of 40, found love after age 75 or finished a marathon at age 99.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Most artists are used to this idea of switching gears. We do it in each artwork. For me it happens when painting and also when writing. I have switched gears in religion too, shifting my whole panorama. It is not the same to be an inherited catholic, a new-age practitioner, or a returned catholic (I passed through them in this order). As an inherited catholic, I did duties because I had to. I saw advantages in dropping it, but I never satisfied myself in new age’s doctrines. I felt no peace and was running all the time, from one place to the other. Of course, physical surgeries made me reflect on my acting, and a trip I took to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to Israel. I finally turned to a religion of love, the Catholicism I knew already, with a deeper understanding and embracing the faith. I wish you the same in your Trip, different for each person, in which religion and beliefs are upmost important.


Did You Switch Gears Later in Life? We Want to Hear from You.
June 16, 2021 I get 30% commission

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Not Vaccinated Kids 👦🏻🧒🏻

Leng Vong Reiff had just received her second dose of a Covid vaccine and thought guiltily of her two young, unvaccinated sons. Schools have reopened, and families with those under 12 are finding ways to get their kids inoculated, even though they’re not officially eligible yet. Like countless parents across the nation, she was searching for vaccine clinical trials, found one, applied and got a call back.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Wanting to vaccinate our children, is like baptizing them, being Catholic. Because it means the beginning of a better future –the one in heaven. Since parents want the best for their sons, it makes a lot of sense to provide this fundamental sacrament to babies, even when they haven’t learned to talk neither to reason as adults. Actually not baptizing them could be negligent, not allowing the most blessings.

On medical issues, there is always a second opinion. Some may argue that returning to school can be dangerous. If vaccination is not a legal option, the better could be to talk to our kids. I would remember them to keep their distance, teaching on how to do it. Depending their age, they could easily forget or get distracted when playing games. So try to avoid risks. Pandemic is not a game to play, not even in young citizens.

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Abba Music returns 🎼

Abba, which is reuniting after nearly 40 years, will released a new single, “Don’t Shut Me Down”. Their new album, “Voyage,” is due on Nov. 5 and quasi-concert dates are scheduled in London in May. Though the verses of “Don’t Shut Me Down” are about a woman surprising an ex with her return, the choruses also recognize the strangeness of Abba’s reappearance: “I’m not the one you know/I’m now and then combined”.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

As the music band returns to action, it can’t be expected to have the same teenagers fans, but older ones with new learnings and understandings. Returning will be different, like all returning experiences. Catholics often recur to the parable of the prodigal son (about a son that returns home after spending all his fortune). His father received him with a big hug, and even threw a party on his return. He ordered to bring him new clothes and to cook food (to sacrifice a pork). God’s response could be similar as this father’s, because God is greater than what we think.


Abba Previews First Album in 40 Years, and 11 More New Songs
Hear tracks by Charli XCX, Bobby Shmurda, Japanese Breakfast and others.

65% commission

Luck in a workout ⛹🏻‍♀️

Doing a 7-Minute Workout seemed a safe routine. Then she wrote: “But my liftoff was misaligned, so that coming down I glanced off the edge of my step stool and hit the floor with my full weight on the side of my left foot.


After lying on my back for a few minutes, panting through self-recrimination and the bright crush of pain, I crawled to the phone and called my husband.”… she has got an injury. 

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Surgeries can have long term consequences. An earthquake, or even a pandemic can show us that life changes in just a second. When I was a child in a Catholic school, the nuns never tired of telling us how lucky we were. Now I see it, we have free time to head ourselves to better places. We (Catholics) believe in Life Everlasting, in our given resurrection; this is what I mean by “better places”. Think of it as a new hope we have, attainable by loving people and God. Loving people means taking care of them by real actions. What else could we do with our free time?


Sometimes the Luck Is in the Fall
The author Ann Patchett finds that misfortune in small doses can cast a glittering light on the rest of life.
By ANN PATCHETT I get 30% commission

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Sushi bar reservation 🍣

Try to get a reservation at one of Manhattan’s luxury sushi bars and you’d never guess that the restaurant business is struggling. As I write this, you need to wait a week to experience one of Shion Uino’s $420 omakase meals at 69 Leonard StreetMasa, where lunch and dinner are now $800 a person, is almost fully booked for the next two weeks. At Sushi Noz, spots at both the counter of buffed hinoki wood, where dinner is $400, and the secondary bar made of ash, where it costs $225, are all but sold out for the next month.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

This is our lucky road to heaven: our stance in Earth for the meanwhile, in which to select our favorite food, again, for the meanwhile. We live in this vast Eden of variety; with certain amount of time left, and having freedom available. Thanks to God for all those things and also for our intelligence, to discern how to play ones cards like in poker.


A Sushi Hideaway Where There’s Always Something New to Taste
A meal at Nakaji might start with icefish and end with watermelon. Then, if you can afford it, try a $300 shot of whiskey.
By PETE WELLS I get 30% commission

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Chicken tree sleeping 🐔

Earlier this year, I went out with someone who told me that chickens slept in trees. I refused to believe him, but our banter helped during a time when I was overwhelmed with grief from my grandmother’s passing. Things didn’t take flight with Chicken Man. Several months later, I spotted a fluffy white poof high up on a tree late one night. It was a hen I often see in my Singapore neighborhood. I laughed out loud to nobody in particular and thought of my grandmother, Chicken Man and how life affords us small moments of joy unexpectedly. — Shu Wen Chye

Image from the NY Times, link at the bottom

However, impossible things are possible to God, like in the Creation. I still keep figuring out how did the hen got there, up in that tree? Did the chicken flew? Surely it was free from her brooding, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to sleep like that. What if when dreaming, it moves or fells down… Once more, God surprises us with this animal creativity.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale


Tiny Love Stories: ‘I Laughed Out Loud to Nobody in Particular’
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words.
Aug. 24, 2021 I get 30% commission

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Sponge’s skeleton ☠

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, cylindrical clusters of sponge jut upward like skyscrapers in the deep sea. The sponge’s glass skeleton is certainly a feat of architecture, comprising a geometric latticework that gives the sponge the illusion of being wrapped in lace. Yet it is enduringly sturdy, able to stay rooted in the sea floor and weather currents without snapping or splintering. Such structural superpowers leave many scientists eager to unravel whatever secrets this crystalline sponge contains

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Sponges like this are the home of different ecosystems. Recently, we have been more conscient about the importance of having a home, specially with this pandemic. As Catholics, we pretend to defend life which is frugal and subtle, starting from the smallest group: the family. Family has proven to be robust and adaptable to ever changing scenarios, suited to raise children, protecting them from the amenities, false idols, and distractions of the outer world. Lets provide our kids with a proper environment for growing. 👍🏻


A Swirling Vortex Is No Match for This Deep-Sea Sponge
A new paper finds a glass sponge has the power to eliminate destructive vortices that are created when fluid moves around a blunt object.
By SABRINA IMBLER I get 30% commission

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Ordinary Labors are Solutions to Catastrophes 🏆

After the attacks on the World Trade Center, Americans — and particularly New Yorkers — were told that we needed to go about our lives as we normally would to demonstrate to the terrorists that they hadn’t won. “For individuals, the most effective course of action they can take to aid our recovery is to be determined to go ahead with their lives. We can’t let terrorists change the way we live. Otherwise, they will have succeeded. In some ways, the resilience of life in New York City is the ultimate sign of defiance to terrorists.”

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Sometimes, when catastrophes happen, is better to continue with our ordinary labors. Keep doing what it is expected, as a regular day; and reaching a higher help in another way. Lets take, for instance, the example when children are being bullied at school. Even when the kid could still return to the same activities, moms and dads can reach other parents, or teachers. A solution must be found and Church or praying may not be the adequate solution to everything.


Our Children Will Never Know the Innocence We Knew
Sept. 11 changed us.
By CHARLES M. BLOW, September 8, 2021 I get 30% commission

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Salmon, a martyr fish 🐠

The Biden administration on Thursday took the first steps that would allow it to begin the process of protecting Alaska’s pristine Bristol Bay, one of the world’s most valuable sockeye salmon fisheries. Salmons are those fierce fishes that climb against river’s currents, skipping predators like bears crossing their paths.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

In spiritual terms, what is the reward of such risks, not only to swim up the river, but also jumping outside while shaking its fins. Salmons may be the fish martyrs, who after days of efforts and struggling, finally reach their destination. Their goal won’t be that nice, as it is our heaven, but still a jewel.


Biden Administration Moves to Protect Alaska’s Bristol Bay
The bay, home to a key sockeye salmon fishery, sits atop a massive gold and copper deposit, pitting environmentalists against mining companies.
By LISA FRIEDMAN, Sept. 9, 2021 I get 30% commission

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Olympic gymnastics as squirrels 🐿

Olympic gymnasts stun the world with their performances on the uneven bars. Fortunately they don’t have to compete with squirrels. Suppose instead of the uneven bars, human gymnasts had to fly through the canopies of trees, leaping gaps of varying distances, from branches of varying thicknesses, some stiff, some springy.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Not everybody born with abilities as squirrels did. For such dexterity we will need to go to the gym. Training is not the difficult part, but to be constant on it. To return the next day, with the same enthusiasm. Thanks to God, we have a next day to do exercise or to be free. Not everybody have a next day. And for sure, one day we won’t have it, ourselves. Are we prepared?

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Male role 👨🏻

One hundred fifty years ago, a woman named Myra Bradwell brought a Supreme Court case claiming a constitutional right to be admitted to the Illinois bar. She had passed the state’s bar exam with high honors, but the Illinois Supreme Court refused her application, saying that when the State Legislature gave the court the power to grant law licenses, “it was with not the slightest expectation that this privilege would be extended to women.”

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Church has also, not a favoritism, but established a role for man as the family´s head. Dads should take relevant decisions such as where to live, how many children would compose the family, and so on. They should provide an income, preferably a stable one; and this duty alone, will take them 8/5 (8 hours per day, 5 days a week) on the average. I don’t think this imposed role for dads as heads have damaged our societies; on the contrary, families continue to succeed even in this pandemic times.

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Coated Emissions, a Darker Future for NFTs? 🏭

In June 1988 a NASA scientist, Dr. James Hansen, appeared on a very hot day in Washington and told a group of powerful senators that a grim future lay ahead. Carbon emissions, he said, had raised average global temperatures to the highest levels in recorded human history, bringing heat waves, droughts and other disruptions to people’s lives. 

That same year a collection of scientists assembled by the United Nations — known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — delivered much the same message, warning pointedly of rising seas and threats to biodiversity. Four years later, world leaders meeting in Rio de Janeiro signed a landmark agreement to stabilize “greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”

A clean order we find in nature. Besides traffic and industrial pollution, beauty and intelligence abide in our world. We have to defend this ambient from elements of distortion. I was first enthusiastic when told about NFTs, further publishing a post and inviting people. But when getting to know its environmental effects, I turned to other ways of income. Damaging the environment is a serious issue to me. I prefer to do sacrifices in order to leave a working planet to our babies and toddlers. So I did further research (in my laptop, I am blessed with many confort and can also chose between ways of income).

Ethereum and Bitcoin are computer-ecosystems that use the Proof of Work algorithm, turning them to be inefficient. They produce large carbon emissions, which can harm the environment. And we only have one Earth, so we better take care of it. Fortunately scientists have come with happy alternatives: there are different blockchains like Polkadot and Polygon to register our NFTs. Among these, I prefer Algorand, which uses a Pure Proof of Stake algorithm, and which will be adopted by El Salvador government. These are examples of my digital art, I have listed at as @jampaintings:


No, CryptoArtists Aren’t Harming the Planet
Clarifying a big misunderstanding about the ecological impact of NFTs–and what we’re doing to make SuperRare more sustainable
Acknowledged site I get 30% commission

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How the Cat Gets Its Stripes: It’s Genetics 🐈

Folklore is full of stories about the coat patterns of cats: How the tiger got its stripes. How the leopard got its spots. And scientists ask the same questions, although not necessarily about large predators. The research may focus instead on something like the mackerel tabby pattern in domestic shorthairs. The answer is straightforward: genetic code.

Designs by JAM (me), for sale

Interdisciplinary aspects are connected when dealing with coating in different colors. Stripes in species produce a camouflage suited for predators. Many sport cars are named after felines like cougar, jaguar, just to name a few. Tones combined with highlights may look appealing to other species, or to the human eye. Dogs attention may be grabbed by their stripes. All these considerations must be orchestrated by Higher Wisdom, our Creator. He impress us each time with creative solutions.


How the Cat Gets Its Stripes: It’s Genetics,
Not a Folk Tale. Researchers took a deep dive into embryonic development to tease out the source of the tabby pattern in cats.
By JAMES GORMAN, Sept. 7, 2021 I get 30% commission

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Birthday Present: A Covid Vaccine 💉

Turning 12 has taken on added significance this summer, as teens line up for shots allowing them to see friends and play sports again. At least 52 percent of children ages 12 through 17 in the United States have received at least one dose of a vaccine, and about 40 percent are fully vaccinated, according to early September data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Thinking in all the changes we have passed through in this pandemic, it is relevant to point that Catholic Church is also changing. Reforms are necessary with the pass of time, as we adapt to modernity. Nobody knows what will happen next. The one thing I see is that we will save the heart of the gospel, if we get to think correctly. We will be a better society and of course, a society that integrates religion, since it is of top relevance when being human.


The Best Birthday Present in 2021? A Covid Vaccine.
Turning 12 has taken on added significance this summer, as tweens line up for shots allowing them to see friends and play sports again.
By EMMA GOLDBERG, Sept. 5, 2021

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Where L.G.B.T.Q. find shelter 🏳‍🌈

“Casa”, which opened in February 2019, is one of a handful of Tijuana shelters catering to a group that includes trans women, gay men and mothers traveling alone with children — among the most vulnerable and endangered refugee populations, according to a 2017 Amnesty International Report

I like our pope approach to these issues. (At the time of this writing, his name is Francisco I, or Francis.). His posture starts by remembering our human partticipation in the first place. Being humans, most of us care about others, our brothers, to say it this way. Pope is human too, not to dictate or punish parishioners, but to turn to God, who is the one capable of mitigating these scenarios.

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Working “996” 💰

In China this April, a 31-year-old former factory worker named Luo Huazhong drew the curtains and crawled into bed. Then he posted a picture of himself there to the Chinese website Baidu along with a message: “Lying Flat Is Justice.”

By June, American news outlets were describing the “lying flat” trend as a natural consequence of China’s hypercompetitive middle-class culture, where employees often report working “996” weeks — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week — a lifestyle praised by the founder of the online shopping giant Alibaba, Jack Ma, and other captains of commerce.

Not only work can be a false idol, but many other desires too. Having a perfect body is a good example, or acquiring a bigger house. Goals we constantly seek can be compared to the golden statues of Scriptures. It takes integrity to revise these false idols, but at the end we prefer to have done it. Or at least I do 😁

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Toddlers Spread Virus More Easily Than Teens 👦🏻

A study published in the journal JAMA Pediatric, demonstrates that very young children also participate in the contagious chain. Actually they result more dangerous than teenagers.

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on

The number of communication with different people is much greater in toddlers than in babies. Toddlers can walk to places, grabbing objects that could be infected. Toddlers can talk to strangers, having too much more contact with other people.

Photo by Pixabay on

As I was thinking yesterday, we may babies when compared to god. It is a beautiful age when they can freely walk through the garden. We may prowl around the house of God, which will be the world; first by crawling, like babies, then walking as toddlers. God’s mansion is a titanic Eden, with immense amounts of species, each one with different colors and behaviors. Some animals can walk (in 4 paws), others swim, or even fly. Each one with different strategies for feeding, hunting, resting, and so on. These fresh variety turns our minds to the Creator.

We can find immense variety in many things. For example in transportation. We use to move in cars. There is also a public service like buses and subways. For long distances there are airplanes. To exercise we walk, or jump to a bicycle. And there are more rare options like boats. yachts , submarines, motorcycles, one wheel self balancing scooters, skateboards, paragliders, skies, kayaks, surf tables, cable cars, (not bumper cars hahaha). Disabled ones can use chair wheels or prothesis depending the case. Thanks God for a great Universe!

Photo by Bagus Pangestu on

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Work Out and Chill? 🤸🏻‍♂️

I like chilling around in places. I will eventually learn how to work out while chilling, something I have always wanted. Cool temperature workouts may be the answer for those who want to exercise without swimming in sweaty clothes.

Gyms are not the place to do nothing. Do Catholics think results come from work, like in gyms? There is a debate on this. I usually find myself in extra efforts even when not intended; even if extra-efforts does not guarantee a gain. Catholics of history won’t deny work (and maybe neither working out). Saint Paul (almost an apostle) used to work at night, so as to serve during the day. Saint Joseph, patron of workers, was a carpenter. No to say Jesus -who followed his example- and who in many issues held a distinct opinion. Work and working out or chill and do nothing, will always be debatable.

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Superfast Train 🚄

Nowadays, we built a maglev bullet train that can reach speeds of 600 kilometers per hour (373 miles per hour). It made its debut in Qingdao, China, by the state-owned China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation. It’s considered the world’s fastest train.

What would be the fastest way to go to heaven? Through the Virgin Mary, definitely. Or following a saint, throw a group or congregation. This is like going in a superfast highway. Everybody there is heading towards the same direction. Also, the Eucharistic, Confession, of course Baptism, there are many ways 🙂

Photo by Martin Pu00e9chy on

BTW, I used to like Runaway Train from, Soul Asylum, now a classic. I get 30% commission

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Learning to Love G.M.O.s 🍎

Fears have turned people against genetically modified food. But benefits are great, Kahn wrote, for the NY Times.

The difficulty is to predict the results of each genetical modification. Many years have to pass to be able to measure their consequences. Developing tests take time, depending on the kind of food. And of course, there have to be enough monetary outcome since the required investment is much.

Photo by Lulo on

Once grown, what if the GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) behave different than expected? 💡 This is similar as the creation: God made us and gave us freedom. We can take our own choices, whether good or bad, only God can tell. What if we make mistakes, maybe unfixable mistakes??? What if, being confused, we take decisions that later wish to change? Because of God’s love, he sent us his Son, actually Himself in Trinity’s Second Person. He is the one able to fix unrepairable mistakes. There is no impossible for Him, even when it seems the contrary, so keep the faith. I can talk and talk about this and my experiences in hospitals and surgeries, but let us return to GMOs.

There is an opposition, which is completely natural, to this movement. Also it is natural to have fears, because they prevent us from dangers. An intricate knot will result if we keep hiding and hiding fears under the armor, pretending they are not there, with the temporal benefit of not seeing them for a while.

Photo by Lulo on

There should be a level of maturity when dealing with this issue and its consequences. Each alteration being done should have a multilateral reason. For instance someone could produce an overwhelming colored fruit, one that sells better. But what if now requires a different weather, or if it is devoured by insects attracted to the new look. As I said above, consequences can be unpredictable. Like when they forced salt to be perfectly white, which seemed pure at that time; and now salt is listed under the 7 white food demons. White is an utopic color, did you know it is the mandatory color to play tennis at Wimbledon?

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Feeding Antibodies 🍼

Yes, vaccinated mothers are trying to give to their babies antibodies via breast milk… In the first nine months of the pandemic, around 116 million babies were born worldwide, according to UNICEF estimates. This left researchers scrambling to answer a critical question: Could the virus be transmitted through breast milk? The answer, six researchers agreed, is that newly vaccinated mothers have antibodies generated which can, indeed, be passed through breast milk. Does ‘vaccinated breast milk’ contain antibodies? Yes, study after study shows it does contain antibodies. How exactly these antibodies protect the infant from Covid is not yet clear.

Photo by Keira Burton on

Babies are in a different seat with their recently-born condition. Most adults had tagged episodes as pleasurable, fun, fast, easy, and so on… but babies haven’t done so: they are blank pages waiting to be written. They seem creative, which they are, but mostly they are new, SO new that ordinary things can be their first time, therefore having a fresh panorama.

Babies surprise me with unpredictable actions, like grabbing their toes with his fingers, or looking a dog as a weird animal. Even when crying, their sound seems beautiful to their mothers. Pretending to be a baby is not so easy though. We can try to be amazed by the rainbow, but we will look strange staring for minutes at a raining cloud 😊 hahaha

BTW I am selling the kids clothes I designed:

There is still the question: why do babies receive baptism even when are not jet responsible ❓❓ Now that I think of it, we may be babies compared to God. There should be a formal reason to this question, and here is a discussion about it. Anyway, what a bless it is to be baptized at an early age, actually. One can enjoy of the benefits of being saved since very young. One can expect heaven, for instance: a blessed life for eternity, for free! just by behaving okay. I get 30% commission

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Pancakes In Heaven🍝

Every morning I come to the kitchen asking myself what to eat. The immediate answer of my stomach is evident: pancakes. There is a point at which pancakes become closer to dessert than breakfast, or perhaps they become an excuse for substituting one for the other.

A rich pancake, like those often served in Sweden, takes the paladar to a landscape, boosting the proportion of eggs, butter and sugar. The Swedes use a special pan for these plattar, as they are called, so that they are all the same size, which is smaller than American pancakes. The pancakes are so rich and delicious that they can be served with nothing more than a dusting of confectioners’ sugar. You can serve them with lingonberry (as usual), or other tart preserves (cranberry sauce is great), or even a little lemon juice. Yogurt or sour cream also complement the breakfast, as do any sweet jam or a celestial whipped cream.

Photo by Ash on

One of the reasons I want to go to heaven is to eat pancakes everyday, haha. This may sound banal, but the more I reflect on it, the most I agree: my desire is authentic, and therefore legal. And they should serve the best pancakes in heaven😋. Not anymore I will hide this desire for pancakes in the mornings. How much would it cost to make it happen? Is it to much $15 daily for God? According to Catholics, everything is possible to God…

Photo by Pixabay on

It is nice to be able to cook even in this cold isolation. Whatever is the emphasis, the most common restriction is to wear a mask. Superiors could impose rules on external aspects but will never stop our interior life-s. 😋 I get 30% commission

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Digital Painting a Croissant 🥐

Many people ask me, what is Digital painting? It is like regular painting but in the computer, using a special software for this purpose. I like to view it as regular cooking: placing nice colors, one after the other. As simple as that, to select tones that combine in interesting ways is like making food: finding new flavors, heat them to the point, smell the ingredients. Also consider other factors like diet, health, wellbeing; and synchronizing them with proper drinks, time of the day… even the weather and clothing. It is an art, like Digital Painting.

If you think that painting is difficult, directing someone towards a prosperous future✝✝ is even harder. What is a prosperous future anyway? Everybody has different ideas about it. It could be to be rich, or being happy, or both. Health will be the first step, I guess. It will be a good idea to also deal with concepts not tangible, like freedom, or justice. What is the value of being able to walk, for example? Churches try to give faithful spiritual answers that provide guidance. What a magnificent labor this is, considering the complexity of the task! It should be a puzzle to give concrete answers in an open world: a modern world with too many opinions and preferences. Catholic Church has flaws, who doesn’t, but it have done much contributions to development, like the written music monks invented, we should give it a chance… I get 30% commission

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Pandemic again, oh no 😱

I got a DejaVu time ago, when I wrote:

Some countries, like the United States or England, rush to vaccinate most of its population 💉. This an intelligent measure, when possible. However, if a new variant spreads around the globe, everybody will have to vaccinate again, including these developed countries 👨🏻‍⚕️.

I even went further:

In those improbable scenarios, people will do duties with an imposed mask 🙊. And again we will be concealed in obligated isolation… We will definitely learn to see blessings in strange panoramas 🙉.

Me, in this blog

These paintings were made in my desktop. Covid19 is our new situation, lets keep our shirt on, lets be okay with it. I get 30% commission

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“Mommy, bad news, immigration caught me” 👮🏻‍♀️

“‘Mommy, I have bad news for you,’” one of the girls at the shelter, Elizabeth, 13 🧒🏻, from Honduras, recalled telling her mother on the phone. “‘Don’t cry, but Mexican immigration caught me.’”.


For children migrants, the journey north is not an easy one, and the ones who brave it have to grow up fast. There is a big flow of migrants, and it will not stop until people’s lives in these countries improve,” said José Alfredo Villa, the director of the Nohemí Álvarez Quillay shelter for unaccompanied minors in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

And if Elizabeth had made it across the river into Texas, her life would be different now. Even if apprehended by United States officers, she would have been released to her mother (who works in the US) and given a court date to present her asylum case. These situations worry parents who work and rise minors 👨‍👧‍👦. They must be careful not to give their suns to suspicious marabouts. They try to be intelligent knowing how to play their cards 🃏. I get 30% commission

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Yemen’s hunger 🌭

Nearly half of Yemen’s population, 13.5 million people, are struggling to get enough food, according to the United Nations.


Six years into a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, Yemen faces rising rates of hunger, leaving kids vulnerable to disease and starvation.

Asked if her family had enough to eat, Iman Murshid replied, “Sometimes we have enough, sometimes we don’t.”. I personally think it shouldn’t be that way. I compare her situation to the issues in more developed countries (like the white rule at Wimbledon) with a critic eye. Kids should be embraced mostly with rejoice and pleasant fantasies. Landscapes of real unicorns and mermaids are the place I dream of. However, in this world there is room for everything: the good, the bad, the middle point, and even the joke. And there is a chance to take the best side of the cake. 👍🏻 I get 30% commission

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CoVid = Relax 🏝

Because there are less working days (or not at all 🛌🏻), life can be easier in this pandemic.

Transportation also got reduced. Instead of moving oneself throughout the city, we can simplify it with a phone call, videoconference or email. Look at the case of Ireland, whose politicians will take advantage of Coronavirus by helping small towns and villages to narrow their ever-widening gap with urban centers.

This image is an example of how Coronavirus altered my tradition of keeping-stuff. I drew it in those ordered and predictable days were I only stored what was useful. I now keep non-purpose things, just for the pleasure of “storing things”. That is the case with these “Guajes” (look at the drawing to see what is a “guaje”). It is okay to do non-sense actions if they affect no-one. It is okay to adjust and adapt to circumstances, specially in this pandemic. I recommend to master how to play one’s cards, like in poker♠, in order to get the best slice of the cake. I get 30% commission

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Guatemala immigrant’s dream 🏃🏻‍♂️

They left behind homes and families toward an uncertain future crossing the border. Unfortunately, their 13 bodies (of migrants from Comitancillo, Guatemala) were found dead in the back of a pickup truck in Tamaulipas, Mexico 😔 . “It was the worst case so far”, Ms. Aguilón said 👮🏻‍♀️ and hopefully won’t repeat.

Conditions are not always the better. For many migrants who leave Central America, like those from the municipality of Comitancillo, the goal is to reach the United States, find work, save some money and send some back home.

Today I am enjoying coffee in a palm-tree cup I made myself. It turn out a nice invention. This is a new different activity –to enter the sales world– with no other purpose than designing and hopefully finding a buyer:

Like in the case of migrants, not everyday the best situations happen, not to mention the difficulties of crossing the border. Life is not perfect. There are good moments, and bad ones. As an artist. I tried to express the hard-times-feeling in this artwork:

Most of this matters are minor issues compared to the important responsibilities of embracing Catholic faith. We are limited, with a limited time on earth. So let us consider a correct scope. As Carl Sagan said, we are just pale blue dots in the universe1.

In every journey in this world–in or outside the frontier– risks abound. Like those marabouts that teach in Senegal👨🏻‍🏫, not everything is pink and purple as in infant unicorn tales 🦄.


1 The pale blue dot, Carl Sagan (youTube video) I get 30% commission

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Pope Francis’ Encyclical 🖊

Coincidences happen, sometimes. Pope Francis said in his prosperous encyclical Fratelli Tutti: “the sense of belonging to a single human family is fading”. During Pope’s stance in Iraq, what a coincidence, we were also traveling! Ourselves visiting Riviera Mayan’s gorgeous beaches, home of sailors and fishers. He is right: nowadays there is this trending notion of “every man for himself”, and this pandemic make us realize “we are all sailors of the same boat”.

Kiwi Blessings painting…

We should care of others a little bit more, and not just care about work, work, and more work (which is painting, for an artist like me).

For example, I am two brushstrokes away of finishing my “Kiwi blessings” painting (see img above), a scene composed with a kiwi. I won’t name it in this way, instead I’ll go for something like “horizontal bars”. Also, I already exhibit my sailfish painting, being a total success:

But as I was saying, from the religious point of view, there are more important things than showing personal canvases. Being happy is one of these things, and is mandatory in our pandemic days. It is just a matter of making room for positive thinking: love, family, fraternity and so on 😍. I get 30% commission

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Gargantuan wedged ship 🛳

The “Ever Given”, a gargantuan container ship 🚢 that had been wedged in the Suez Canal (march 2021) is afloat again. The ship was stranded diagonally across the canal, with its bow stuck deep in the canal’s eastern bank, blocking the traffic. Those titanic proportions made us think we have too much sea-transactions today, too much industrialization and globalization. However, after days of arduous labor, the ship was freed and navigated triumphant. The Egyptian water pass was finally unblocked, and the world’s commerce resumed its course back to normal.

Life followed the same path for me. It retained me in a pacific flow for years, and after my brain surgeries I started thinking differently. I changed. I became a convinced Catholic, and later we got the pandemic. Instead of painting canvases, I now created some youTube videos, Skillshare classes and RedBubble products. I also jumped into the cryptoworld with unique NFTs like this one:

Returning to the ship issue. This painting, using acrylics and then digital, is about the Suez Canal. This unfortunate episode remembered me of our Julian tale we use to imagine as teenagers. Or the “Unbeatable Worm” from our preferred computer videogame. Other jokes abide, like this one a local said for the ocasion: “Why don’t they pull out one of those stocked containers? There could be something good in there. Maybe it could feed the whole town.” 🤟🏻 I get 30% commission

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Fresh Ideas like salads 🥗

Ideas should be like salads: fresh and ever-new. I like to keep them handy, and ready to use, so when inspiration comes by surprise I am able to quickly react.

The painting, before

I come up with fresh ideas for every painting. In this one, for example, a kiwi emerged from a waterfall cascade (before the remake). In this other one, an eagle is trying to grab some juicy grapes (the link will be available soon).

Both projects are about giant fruits. And both were repainted on top 🎨.

Surprisingly, I was grabbed by an spiritual eagle, as I call it, taken out of Guadalajara and transported far away. Later dropped into were I didn’t understand the culture, neither the language. And then discovered the treasure of the religion I born with, -and abandoned by misunderstanding… I have to eat breakfast now, have a nice day🍳 I get 30% commission

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America vs China, quick politics 🖋

Recent meetings between the Americans and Chinese seemed like when Khrushchev (URSS Premier from the past) banged his shoe on a desk of the United Nations (this happened around 60 years ago).

Nothing good can be obtained from United States and China meetings, if we were politicians, other than a forced hand shake, an unintended smile, a pair of brilliant shoes,

  • a couple of free headphones for life translations
  • 1 or 2 new Chinese words that we learned…
  • a reporter’s picture for the press
  • a queen size bed in a many-stars hotel
  • the security eyes of a bunch of bodyguards
  • a new tie that we bought for the occasion (or even a whole suit)

Actually plenty of blessings can be seen with the right focus 😎. This apparently dark scenario resembles me as our Julian creature that we invented as teenagers . We ended up laughing too 😁 I get 30% commission

Covid vaccines not leveraged 🩺

It came this post about American and European officials who gave up leverage that could have guaranteed access for billions of people, in the New York Times. This risks prolonging the pandemic. In short, a new special patent will finally be issued (a five-year-old invention), controlled by the United States.
The question is whether the government will try to spread it to other infected countries. The question is whether does anyone (as institutions and as individuals 🧔🏻) will do anything at all.
Nobody is obligued to do so, nobody argues that. The United States is completely free in this matter, like the freedom we have in Pocker. Isn’t it the stars and bars’ liberty country 🗽? I get 30% commission

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Hello “Kiwis and Bars” Painting 🎨

This remake started with an inspiration poem, I wrote myself:

heading blessings
in an open page future
Aquastars get into motion
behind an orange kiwi
that behaves okay…
a TV channel or a series
of an isolated alphabet
bring me a free future:
and in equilibrium

Poem by JAM

Isn’t it a good start for a painting? 😊
As I said in the previous post, starting was the first step🙊, it followed the second, the third, and so on. I started by saying something like: “Come on, lets do it…”. Because yellow and blue resembles me aquastars, look how cool was looking:

This painting is very different to the Hawk-Borrow-painting I am also remaking. This one is more about food and talking, because for me, conversations and food usually happen at the same time, in the same place. This is why an alphabet is show at the bottom. Just the table was left… this is how I resolved it, almost finished:

Some of the making: I get 30% commission

Goodbye fruit-waterfall painting🖐🏻

“A waterfall may be a good scenario for a fruits painting”, I thought first. But after 10 months of getting bored,
I decided right away hahaha: “Let us start a whole remake”…
I don’t mind despising hours of painting to start over. “Let us preserve the best side of the cake (read this post not about cakes)” – I said to myself. Look the “before and after”:

I will post here also the poem that inspired this painting. That will be maybe tomorrow😴 have a nice day . I get 30% commission

Israel and Palestinian 2021 elections 👍

Israelis and Palestinians will have almost simultaneous elections. Even with similar timing, their moods are very different. Palestinians haven’t had elections in decades, while Israelis had one, months ago. Isn’t it ironic? (Alanis Morissette would say),
Elections are about freedom, freedom to chose who governs (this is an unrelated post about Poker and freedom). Every person, –like this father who chased sports-,can decide what to do with their own liberty😎. I get 30% commission

The 3 COVID vaccines 💉

In the United States, there are 3 vacines now (march 2021):

  • Pfizer
  • Moderna
  • Johnson & Johnson

People are saying that Johnson & Johnsons’, having an effectivenes of 72% (compared to 94%-95% of the other two)
may not be as effective as the others. However the most important measure, whether the vaccine prevents serious illness, shows the 3 vaccines work for nearly 100% of the cases.
“The number we should care is what are the chances that I am going to die. There is essentially no chance that I am going to die with any vaccine, all of them are 100%”, said David Leonhardt from New York Times. This is breathtaking🤞.
My opinion is to analyze facts more than chances (unrelated post about unpredictability). Let us trust what medicals are saying, ultimately, they are the ones in white uniforms (unrelated article about wearing white in Wimbledon).
“If your turn comes and you are offered the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, accept what is it a right for you”, said Leonhardt. I get 30% commission

Pandemic Isolation 🦠

Isolation can be a dangerous couch to sit, specially in these closed pandemics. There’s a phrase the military call ‘going inside,’ it means getting inside your own head. “Sometimes, when you’re in isolation, you go inside and you kind of get lost in your own thoughts, without the forced interaction.”, this could happen to normal people, and also to bloggers or internet users who keep in touch with cybernetics.
Being concealed turned out to be the punishment criminals get in jail. Their landscapes are reduced to three walls, and their friends to the same repeated company, day after day. They cannot go out, anytime, anywhere, unlike free birds🐤
I prefer the blue shade of liberty. There are many other benefits, in my HO (read my unrelated post “the best side of the cake”). However not everybody agrees on this. To my surprise, some prefer free food and not working, than the usual citizen obligations. Have a nice day and a glass of water. I get 30% commission

The best slice of the cake 🥧

I like to see my life as a celebration. Birthday parties are not the same all around the globe. Here in Mexico, the “cumpleañero” (celebrated) is free to go on his way, all day long. He or she gets to chose where to start cutting the cake. Being a circled one, this decision doesn’t really matter. Also deciding on serving sizes. Of course, if someone is on a diet, he will prefer specific amounts, or no serving at all.
But most importantly, the “cumpleañero” decides weather to have a bite and let people scramble his face deep into the pudding. Because if he or she permits to have a bite, guests will stamp his or her face badly, while laughing and taking pictures for sharing.
We have also a saying about “choosing the best slice of the cake” which are birthdate presents. And like in the poker game, nobody knows the cards you will get.
Decisions, always decisions… Have a nice day. I get 30% commission

Poker and freedom 🃏

Pocker is a common card game casinos have. The fun of it, even when money is not involved, is not knowing the incoming cards. In the game called “closed pocker”, players sit without revealing each other’s cards, and betting surprising amounts. Cards show up in this acrylic painting by JAM (me):

Freedom is what I like most of this game. On a nice run, you can do forecasts and insights, with the freedom of raising a bet or letting it pass (this kind of freedom you get in your birthday parties, like the one in which we invented the Julian tale)

Freedom is what the creator made as a gift, to humans. Using freedom, we can do great things, and also fall into insanity. Sometimes it is even fun to make mistakes. Most of the times we have the chance of turning around and fix what we broke. A simple change of attitude could be enough, we don’t need to go to church to compensate, depends on the case.

This painting I showed above, turned out to be coasters for drinks, in my online store. It took me time to create, but it was worth:

At the end of the poker game, you will see reality: whether you have played correctly; if you betted properly, and how lucky were you 👍🏻. I get 30% commission

Unbeatable worm 🐍

I remember this computer videogame where a worm came from underground eating your stuff. There was no defense, it was not fair. The only thing one could do is to runaway. For a 7 year old like me👦, it was devastating to be devoured by this titanic stomach. As a child, one cannot handle it. I remember being upset and worry, not to live something similar in real life.

Some years (too many) had passed. I got a bachelor degree, and later started painting. Suddenly the unbeatable worm appeared in the canvas. “Oh no, its him, again 😱”, I was frightened at first. “He is back” (like our repeated Julian pattern). Look, this is what I am talking about: I get 30% commission

A Repeated Julian Pattern 🧛🏻‍♂️

A recurring scene was going on in our teenagers psiques. Whenever a repeating pattern was heard, one of us would go: “do you hear that noise? Julian is coming…”. Then we freekened “run, carry the kids”. HAHAHA active minds we had back then, and we will continue having… who knows what’s going to happen next.

Julian was an imaginary monster we invented.

And “protecting sons” was an exotic scenario for us, being teenagers👦. Now we have real dangers as adults. (Like this eagle, in this YouTube clip, that tried to carry a baby as food). Previously I made a painting, about a bird that grab grapes, and later decided to remake most of it, (a link to this painting is under construction)…. Have a nice day today, because who knows what it is going to happen tomorrow. I get 30% commission

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An imposed mask 👸🏻

Sometimes a mask is placed on ones face. Like in this painting, it is okay if this happens. A comprehensive constraint of these modern days, as in Darth Vader’s case, is the issue of wearing a face mask.

In cosmopolitan cities like Gothic City, it is so common to see strange clothing, strange attitudes, incomprehensible languages, diverse morphologies (like those in star wars’ unexpected characters). Masks are a common security parapets, almost as widespread as helmets or safety glasses… there is even a movie titled The Mask (with Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz).
And being in an uncomfortable environment, it is mandatory to wear a mask (I am not talking about the widespread medical masks). Great news! Besides of these helments and security masks, a plant is flourishing in his safe interior. Have a nice day. I get 30% commission

What is a “guaje” 🧠

In the Spanish dictionary, a “guaje” is one of those mediocre words that means nothing special. It is just a thing, a sphere-liked shape with strategical bumps. (Okay, this bumps may have a purpose which I ignore).

Two “guajes” are shown in this drawing. Even though I have never used one, I find it fantastic to have a name for these neutral “things”. So I have, in my repertory of customized Spanish (not in the Official Spanish dictionary), words that I only know, and use. I have a personal word to describe those “guajes”, mazacotes, bagasses, molasses, foams, sponges and so on.

I call it a “coso” (the masculine of “thing”), and use this word to denominate undefined stuff that I ignore its real name. Eventhough this world doesn’t exist, I use it. For example, I might say “please pass me the coso”. Surprisingly, people have a common sense and pass it to me.

These unexpected responses from people surprise me in a good sense. There is a post about the unpredictable bounces of footballs you may also like. Remember to not complain about weird stuff, because it can bring you benefits. I get 30% commission

Followers in Mexican soccer league ⚽

Do you know a team that hasn’t been champion for decades? That is the case of Atlas, in Mexican soccer league,
whose logo appears, and who has one of the best followings known.

Little papers are falling from the sky (in this digital painting), because being a champion doesn’t happen every day. He is becoming one at this exact moment, when he will break the goal bar. I took a second to think that those ribbons should be easy to break. If not, they could lead to sport injuries.

He said he was thinking in his sons at that precise moment. The middle one is a boy, the other two are girls. Because “there are vices around childs”, he then recommends to do exercise or to practice sports.

Thinking in this achievement, I imagine it is a challenge to train while raising 3 sons. Child care can be exhausting, and at the same time, rewarding. Kids usually bring new stuff to families, many times good stuff, and others with unpredictable results. Related to this, I talked about unpredictability and the weird bounces of oval footballs. For now, lets continue with a stable-predictable routine. Have a nice day ☺. I get 30% commission

Dangerous marabouts? 👩🏻‍🎓

Not all marabouts are dangerous. They use to be individuals who teach religious themes. We are talking about Quran here (at homeschools called daara’s). Kids should feel thankful for those marabouts that provide food, ceiling and teachings. Many of them do decent jobs, but some preasure kids to contribute to house’s income. Wikipedia call them child beggars, and there are around 50,000-10,000 in Senegal (a 16 million populated country).

They carry rice and sugar in small containers without a lid. Could they earn enough by selling?

I saw a room where they use to sleep. Lacking of beds and mattress, seemed austere to my western customs. The kids asked him if he had a pair of shoes to give away and he gave some food, so as to not give money (wich will end at marabouts hands).

It should be hot to be laboring under the African Sun. I remember this sun-phenomena we witnessed years ago… “Look at the sun” people start yelling while pointing there. The sun appeared “jumping” from one spot to the other, as in a diffuse vision. I painted a character inspired by this experience (“The Sundance”, as it is called in Bosnia Herzegovina). These experiences –and some thinking– resulted in my conversion to Catholicism:

Even when the sun bumps, sometimes fantasies are preferred than realities (like in this unicorn fantasy). This may be the optional escenario, to either live a different dream, or to not live at all. I hope situations like this change in the future: writing about it is just a first step.

Friendly video about Marabots (in Spanish). I get 30% commission

Interior life 😇

Every person has internal business going on. No one sees, but this inner life need to be feed. In this case, he has a plant in his interior, and he carries it along the city.

Life is so delicate, it must be treated with care to flourish one day. But not because its fragility, it will become a thin bush. If the seed inside grows continuously, it will go higher and higher, reach the character’s head, pass throw the eyes and beyond (see the image). Eventually it will grow far away to the stars. But in order to grow, the owner need to take care of it. Three conditions are needed:

  1. Water
  2. Substrate (earth)
  3. Light, preferably by the sun (I have heard of weird cases that go with other kinds)

Who knows what is the interior activity this person. He maybe thinking on his kids, or something weirs like the craters in the third moon?. In this painting, done in acrylic in 2018, stars represent its goal, maybe something dreamed or desired. Maybe the goal of this plant is to become a tree. However, life is not so pink. Isn’t it? I get 30% commission

3 moons? 🌙🌙🌙

It will be strange to find three moons in the sky: for example, to talk about todays full moon, an receive a weird response: “which one?”. If I were living in a bizarre world like this, I would prefer its moons to be of different sizes: a small, medium and big one. But in this painting, moon sizes are the same. The same exact diameters, with different craters in the interior.

I have always liked those intergalactic holes in this cheddar. Maybe a Roquefort cheese or an European kind of cheese. ¿Do you know how holes of delicious cheeses are formed? It was told that because of bacteria, but there is another belief. When cheese is made in barns using buckets, there is a likelihood of hay particulates making it into the buckets of collected milk, which then cause holes to form.

Okay, thinking on the Roquefort holes, or moon craters, may be a good way to entertain oneself in this pandemic times. I am sure we can grab a bunch of more inspiring info, and at the same time grow an interior life of candid gratitude. As most things, they become minor issues when compared to important faith stuff. We are limited creatures, with a limited time in earth. Let us adopt the correct scope. As Carl Sagan said, we are just a pale blue dot in a cosmic universe.

Anyone can spend their time as desired. Have a nice day 😑. I get 30% commission

An oval football 🏈

They asked me to stamp my fingertips for a VISA. Many times. I was remembering this when I painted this image (you can see in te picture, fingertips in orange and blue).

Why is the scene raining? I don’t really know: (and if the painter doesn’t know, who does?). Why are plus-signs happening in the upper and lower edges? I don’t know either hahaha.

It have always been strange, for my foreign brown eyes, to see this bouncing oval in the field. The football, the center of the game, is not a perfect circle, why? I Didn’t figured out when I googled it. Instead, I founded that early footballs were made out of animal bladders; and other related info.

Sometimes these circumstances happen to me. Artists can find unexpected results in searches, like the unexpected bounce of these new footballs. This uncertainty, this weird bounce, is what I love about the game of life. For me, being an artist and painter, whenever a vibrant emerald green appears, it talks about unpredictability. You can see it in my painting, in the green football (and also in the right horizontal bars).

I am a routine-predictable-guy. I know routines get interesting with this salt behavior. Because they could transport you to other more fantastic worlds. I get 30% commission

Pleasant Fantasy 🦄

I took this star and place it somewhere else. One of the reasons I paint is for customizing imaginary worlds, and strategically adjust them. This is the best I can do with my dreamy personality… Stand in my shoes, being a thin character is difficult (specially in high school) and results in a creative challenge. That is why I started to escape this world, thinking in fantasies.

Forget about dreams for a second, and look at this image. Its rainbow is supported on an unconcluded cloud, how strange. The same is at the end, over another cloud. Then his fantasy starts, on top of 4 horse shoes. Okay they are not shoes, but a hole body stands on top of them. The presence of a plain horn means a significant change in its silhouette. Not anymore a horse: this is an unicorn on a starful sky.

Unicorns are unique animals. They protrude gemstones names such as Amber, Ruby, Jade and Crystal. We could also name them as flowers or stars. It will be nice to use England’s provinces as names, like Wimbledon, and ride them with their populated hair…

When I was a kid, I loved tales about fairies and mermaids. Instead, I now play tennis, being an adult in a modern world. I see fiction as an example to improve this environment. I get 30% commission

A white tradition (stormtrooper’s color) 🎾

Designing a court surface is a complex task. Sport master systems are designed to provide consistent speed of play, texture, and vibrant color to any facility. 

Among the exceeding professionals, I like S. Williams. She was #1 for years and I was first drawn to her because of her focus on the game. Avoiding the many distractions, I admire her capacity to stay focused on the game. Seems that she concentrates in the moving ball, leaving everything free as it is. I try to copy her attitude in my blue-green days…

Now she scored once and received 15 points, what a bless! Another 15 for the next play. The third time is different, how strange., only 10 points were gained, so she got 15, 30 and then 40. As you know, a tennis match is won point by point, accumulating games and sets. There is no tie, or in case one is approaching, they will break it.

A rule is in Wimbledon to always wear white. English rich people used to play like this. Middle class owners will wear the same color, pretending to look richer in grass courts. But Wimbledon standards are strict (according to R. Federer, who showed up with long hair in 2001). Shoes must be almost entirely white. Large manufacturers’ logos are not encouraged. Also, any visible undergarments should have this stormtrooper color.

Remember the surfaces, preferred differently by each player: US Open is in laykold (not so similar to concrete), Roland Garros is in clay, Wimbledon is played in grass and there is one more championship to win, the far Australia Open. Not all use the white elegant tradition, but still they are fun to watch. Btw, in tennis 0 equals to love, this is how they say. But in real life, does 0 equals love? I get 30% commission