Feeding Antibodies 🍼

Yes, vaccinated mothers are trying to give to their babies antibodies via breast milk… In the first nine months of the pandemic, around 116 million babies were born worldwide, according to UNICEF estimates. This left researchers scrambling to answer a critical question: Could the virus be transmitted through breast milk? The answer, six researchers agreed, is that newly vaccinated mothers have antibodies generated which can, indeed, be passed through breast milk. Does ‘vaccinated breast milk’ contain antibodies? Yes, study after study shows it does contain antibodies. How exactly these antibodies protect the infant from Covid is not yet clear.

Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels.com

Babies are in a different seat with their recently-born condition. Most adults had tagged episodes as pleasurable, fun, fast, easy, and so on… but babies haven’t done so: they are blank pages waiting to be written. They seem creative, which they are, but mostly they are new, SO new that ordinary things can be their first time, therefore having a fresh panorama.

Babies surprise me with unpredictable actions, like grabbing their toes with his fingers, or looking a dog as a weird animal. Even when crying, their sound seems beautiful to their mothers. Pretending to be a baby is not so easy though. We can try to be amazed by the rainbow, but we will look strange staring for minutes at a raining cloud 😊 hahaha

BTW I am selling the kids clothes I designed:

There is still the question: why do babies receive baptism even when are not jet responsible ❓❓ Now that I think of it, we may be babies compared to God. There should be a formal reason to this question, and here is a discussion about it. Anyway, what a bless it is to be baptized at an early age, actually. One can enjoy of the benefits of being saved since very young. One can expect heaven, for instance: a blessed life for eternity, for free! just by behaving okay.

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A Repeated Julian Pattern 🧛🏻‍♂️

A recurring scene was going on in our teenagers psiques. Whenever a repeating pattern was heard, one of us would go: “do you hear that noise? Julian is coming…”. Then we freekened “run, carry the kids”. HAHAHA active minds we had back then, and we will continue having… who knows what’s going to happen next.

Julian was an imaginary monster we invented.

And “protecting sons” was an exotic scenario for us, being teenagers👦. Now we have real dangers as adults. (Like this eagle, in this YouTube clip, that tried to carry a baby as food). Previously I made a painting, about a bird that grab grapes, and later decided to remake most of it, (a link to this painting is under construction)…. Have a nice day today, because who knows what it is going to happen tomorrow.

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