Three stars for a new East Village restaurant

Eating is my favorite activity. Wheather in North Carolina, or in East Village, people love to eat. It is also known that “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. That would be too much. Sharing is a good idea, specially with those who cannot pay you back. A wise philosophy will consider sharing. Share when possible, any of the things received from the Creator, seem in most occasions a good idea.

Image by @letsgetlost_ai

The Title is from this article

CoVid = Relax 🏝

Because there are less working days (or not at all 🛌🏻), life can be easier in this pandemic.

Transportation also got reduced. Instead of moving oneself throughout the city, we can simplify it with a phone call, videoconference or email. Look at the case of Ireland, whose politicians will take advantage of Coronavirus by helping small towns and villages to narrow their ever-widening gap with urban centers.

This image is an example of how Coronavirus altered my tradition of keeping-stuff. I drew it in those ordered and predictable days were I only stored what was useful. I now keep non-purpose things, just for the pleasure of “storing things”. That is the case with these “Guajes” (look at the drawing to see what is a “guaje”). It is okay to do non-sense actions if they affect no-one. It is okay to adjust and adapt to circumstances, specially in this pandemic. I recommend to master how to play one’s cards, like in poker♠, in order to get the best slice of the cake. I get 30% commission

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The best slice of the cake 🥧

I like to see my life as a celebration. Birthday parties are not the same all around the globe. Here in Mexico, the “cumpleañero” (celebrated) is free to go on his way, all day long. He or she gets to chose where to start cutting the cake. Being a circled one, this decision doesn’t really matter. Also deciding on serving sizes. Of course, if someone is on a diet, he will prefer specific amounts, or no serving at all.
But most importantly, the “cumpleañero” decides weather to have a bite and let people scramble his face deep into the pudding. Because if he or she permits to have a bite, guests will stamp his or her face badly, while laughing and taking pictures for sharing.
We have also a saying about “choosing the best slice of the cake” which are birthdate presents. And like in the poker game, nobody knows the cards you will get.
Decisions, always decisions… Have a nice day. I get 30% commission