America vs China, quick politics πŸ–‹

Recent meetings between the Americans and Chinese seemed like when Khrushchev (URSS Premier from the past) banged his shoe on a desk of the United Nations (this happened around 60 years ago).

Nothing good can be obtained from United States and China meetings, if we were politicians, other than a forced hand shake, an unintended smile, a pair of brilliant shoes,

  • a couple of free headphones for life translations
  • 1 or 2 new Chinese words that we learned…
  • a reporter’s picture for the press
  • a queen size bed in a many-stars hotel
  • the security eyes of a bunch of bodyguards
  • a new tie that we bought for the occasion (or even a whole suit)

Actually plenty of blessings can be seen with the right focus 😎. This apparently dark scenario resembles me as our Julian creature that we invented as teenagers . We ended up laughing too 😁 I get 30% commission