Digital Painting a Croissant πŸ₯

Many people ask me, what is Digital painting? It is like regular painting but in the computer, using a special software for this purpose. I like to view it as regular cooking: placing nice colors, one after the other. As simple as that, to select tones that combine in interesting ways is like making food: finding new flavors, heat them to the point, smell the ingredients. Also consider other factors like diet, health, wellbeing; and synchronizing them with proper drinks, time of the day… even the weather and clothing. It is an art, like Digital Painting.

If you think that painting is difficult, directing someone towards a prosperous future✝✝ is even harder. What is a prosperous future anyway? Everybody has different ideas about it. It could be to be rich, or being happy, or both. Health will be the first step, I guess. It will be a good idea to also deal with concepts not tangible, like freedom, or justice. What is the value of being able to walk, for example? Churches try to give faithful spiritual answers that provide guidance. What a magnificent labor this is, considering the complexity of the task! It should be a puzzle to give concrete answers in an open world: a modern world with too many opinions and preferences. Catholic Church has flaws, who doesn’t, but it have done much contributions to development, like the written music monks invented, we should give it a chance… I get 30% commission

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