Coated Emissions, a Darker Future for NFTs? 🏭

In June 1988 a NASA scientist, Dr. James Hansen, appeared on a very hot day in Washington and told a group of powerful senators that a grim future lay ahead. Carbon emissions, he said, had raised average global temperatures to the highest levels in recorded human history, bringing heat waves, droughts and other disruptions to people’s lives. 

That same year a collection of scientists assembled by the United Nations — known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — delivered much the same message, warning pointedly of rising seas and threats to biodiversity. Four years later, world leaders meeting in Rio de Janeiro signed a landmark agreement to stabilize “greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”

A clean order we find in nature. Besides traffic and industrial pollution, beauty and intelligence abide in our world. We have to defend this ambient from elements of distortion. I was first enthusiastic when told about NFTs, further publishing a post and inviting people. But when getting to know its environmental effects, I turned to other ways of income. Damaging the environment is a serious issue to me. I prefer to do sacrifices in order to leave a working planet to our babies and toddlers. So I did further research (in my laptop, I am blessed with many confort and can also chose between ways of income).

Ethereum and Bitcoin are computer-ecosystems that use the Proof of Work algorithm, turning them to be inefficient. They produce large carbon emissions, which can harm the environment. And we only have one Earth, so we better take care of it. Fortunately scientists have come with happy alternatives: there are different blockchains like Polkadot and Polygon to register our NFTs. Among these, I prefer Algorand, which uses a Pure Proof of Stake algorithm, and which will be adopted by El Salvador government. These are examples of my digital art, I have listed at as @jampaintings:


No, CryptoArtists Aren’t Harming the Planet
Clarifying a big misunderstanding about the ecological impact of NFTs–and what we’re doing to make SuperRare more sustainable
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