Why I chose Catholicism instead of Buddhism❓

I have practiced both Catholicism, and Buddhism. I had also gone through other systems like Taoism, Yoga, Reiki and more. But at the end I preferred Catholicism. This is my opinion in this important topic:

Catholicism is a faith, which began in Jesus, who said I am the Truth. Buddhism, on the other hand, is an interesting philosophy, an intelligent system with outstanding thinking. In fact, explanations and narratives can be more stimulating in Buddhism than in Catholicism. But the Buddha is not the Lord. As you can see, this is a different conception, a different view which cannot be compared.

If we focus only on the material world without God’s acting; or to say it differently, if we think only in matter and its consequences, as buddhism claims, we end up with a temporarily world that will pass away, with no meaning and no higher purpose. Life on the contrary, our world is full of purpose, God is in everything, in every movement. Life is vast and rich, with grace all around. There is grace in the sun and in the air. God is in the creatures and also in humans. There is an immense complexity in all the ecosystems, in living entities, even in observable landscapes. Intelligent order like this doesn’t happen alone out of nothing. There has to be a Creator, there is one.

And most important is to test it for yourself. If you are from a different tradition (as the buddhist I was before) , I encourage you to test Catholicism. See what happens with the sacraments. No one can tell you that this is good or bad; look for yourself. You can always come back if it doesn’t convince you. Or it could occur what happened to me, when I went to Medjugorge within a group: I liked it, I preferred it, and I converted. Try it for a month, I think it is worth a lifetime! πŸ˜€


Catholicism and Buddhism – Clearing Up the Confusion

Catholicism and Buddhism: Compatible Beliefs?
By Peter Mirus, Aug 29, 2006


Catholicism and Mindfulness: Compatible practices or contrary spiritualities?
The Catholic World Report

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