Work Out and Chill? πŸ€ΈπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

I like chilling around in places. I will eventually learn how to work out while chilling, something I have always wanted. Cool temperature workouts may be the answer for those who want to exercise without swimming in sweaty clothes.

Gyms are not the place to do nothing. Do Catholics think results come from work, like in gyms? There is a debate on this. I usually find myself in extra efforts even when not intended; even if extra-efforts does not guarantee a gain. Catholics of history won’t deny work (and maybe neither working out). Saint Paul (almost an apostle) used to work at night, so as to serve during the day. Saint Joseph, patron of workers, was a carpenter. No to say Jesus -who followed his example- and who in many issues held a distinct opinion. Work and working out or chill and do nothing, will always be debatable.

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Superfast Train πŸš„

Nowadays, we built a maglev bullet train that can reach speeds of 600 kilometers per hour (373 miles per hour). It made its debut in Qingdao, China, by the state-owned China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation. It’s considered the world’s fastest train.

What would be the fastest way to go to heaven? Through the Virgin Mary, definitely. Or following a saint, throw a group or congregation. This is like going in a superfast highway. Everybody there is heading towards the same direction. Also, the Eucharistic, Confession, of course Baptism, there are many ways πŸ™‚

Photo by Martin Pu00e9chy on

BTW, I used to like Runaway Train from, Soul Asylum, now a classic. I get 30% commission

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